
bīn guǎn
  • hotel;guesthouse
宾馆 [bīn guǎn]
  • [hotel;guesthouse] 招待宾客的房屋

宾馆[bīn guǎn]
  1. 代表团乘车前往宾馆。

    The delegation drove to the guesthouse .

  2. 宾馆布置得很讲究。

    The guesthouse is tastefully furnished .

  3. 那家宾馆还拥有两个游泳池和一个高尔夫球场。

    The hotel also boasts two swimming pools and a golf course .

  4. 住宿条件从经济旅馆至豪华宾馆不等。

    Accommodation ranges from tourist class to luxury hotels .

  5. 这家公司刚刚宣布以2700万英镑买下了帕克宾馆。

    The company has just announced its £ 27 million purchase of Park Hotel .

  6. 英国官员已为妇女和儿童预订了宾馆房间。

    British officials have booked hotel rooms for the women and children

  7. 建议把贵重物品存放在宾馆的保险箱里。

    You are advised to deposit valuables in the hotel safe .

  8. 他们刚在斯托克地区开了一家新宾馆。

    They 've just opened a new hotel in the Stoke area

  9. 3星级宾馆的住宿价格在几个北方城市降得最多。

    Prices at three-star hotels fell furthest in several northern cities .

  10. 新西兰的旅行信息可以在宾馆获取。

    Information on travel in New Zealand is available at the hotel

  11. 开发商现在建议在这个地方盖一座宾馆。

    Developers are now proposing to build a hotel on the site

  12. 宾馆的所有员工都可享受免费膳宿。

    Free room and board are provided for all hotel staff .

  13. 宾馆正好坐落在商街的中段。

    The hotel is set plumb in the middle of the high street

  14. 托妮在离阿茨费尔德不远的一家宾馆订了一个房间。

    Toni booked a room in an hotel not far from Arzfeld .

  15. 为什么我们要为酒吧和宾馆不必要的暖气开支买单呢?

    Why do we pay to overheat pubs and hotels ?

  16. 我们于7点一刻准时离开了宾馆。

    Promptly at a quarter past seven , we left the hotel .

  17. 他就宾馆和天气寒暄了几句。

    He exchanged pleasantries about his hotel and the weather .

  18. 那家宾馆正好处于两个机场中间。

    The hotel 's wedged right between the two airports .

  19. 宾馆为客人提供机场接机服务。

    Hotels operate a collection service for their guests from the airports .

  20. 除此之外还包括对宾馆的一些详细介绍。

    For good measure , a few details of hotels were included .

  21. 去宾馆替我们办理好入住手续,然后等我的电话。

    Check us in at the hotel and wait for my call .

  22. 从宾馆到交通,所有的基础设施都已陈旧失修。

    The infrastructure , from hotels to transport , is old and decrepit .

  23. 这家宾馆有一种没落的贵族氛围。

    The hotel has an air of faded gentility .

  24. 在宾馆员工周末举行的罢工中,有10家宾馆遭到纠察队员的破坏。

    Ten hotels were damaged by pickets in the weekend strike of hotel workers

  25. 我们在这家宾馆的餐厅吃了晚饭。

    We had dinner in the hotel 's restaurant .

  26. 到8点时,他已经到达我住的宾馆了。

    By eight o'clock he had arrived at my hotel

  27. 阿尔特阿是家新建的高级宾馆。

    The Altea is a newly built first-class hotel .

  28. 这个城市的五星级宾馆太多了。

    The city has a superfluity of five-star hotels .

  29. 从宾馆可以看见大西洋海岸。

    The Atlantic coast is within sight of the hotel

  30. 这本小册子提供了很多宾馆、公寓、度假屋供选择。

    The brochure offers a wide choice of hotels , apartments and holiday homes