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  • stadium;gym
体育场 [tǐ yù chǎng]
  • [stadium] 有多层观众席位的大型露天建筑物,建成各种不同形状(如圆形或椭圆形),四周看台的中央为运动场地,通常供体育比赛(棒球、足球;田径等)之用

体育场[tǐ yù chǎng]
  1. 球迷聚集在体育场外等着看最后的决赛。

    Fans gathered outside the stadium for the final showdown .

  2. 体育场满座,数百人被拒之门外。

    Hundreds of people were turned away from the stadium .

  3. 双方的支持者在体育场外打了起来。

    The two sets of supporters clashed outside the stadium .

  4. 本市现在提供从市中心到体育场的免费交通。

    The city is providing free transportation to the stadium from downtown .

  5. 还有数百人在拥挤不堪的体育场外等候。

    Hundreds more people were waiting outside the jammed stadium .

  6. 体育场的两端安装了大型电视屏幕。

    Large television screens were positioned at either end of the stadium .

  7. 他正发起一项运动,呼吁在城里新建一座体育场。

    He is spearheading a campaign for a new stadium in the town .

  8. 在这座体育场里进行过许多激动人心的足球比赛。

    This stadium has seen many thrilling football games .

  9. 8万多名球迷涌入了体育场观看决赛。

    Over 80 000 fans packed into the stadium to watch the final .

  10. 体育场内群情沸腾。

    The stadium was a seething cauldron of emotion .

  11. 这个体育场能在四分钟以内让观众全部散场。

    The stadium can be emptied in four minutes .

  12. 奖杯被环绕着体育场高举展示。

    The trophy was paraded around the stadium .

  13. 该体育场可容纳7.5万名观众。

    The stadium holds 75 000 spectators .

  14. 泛光灯照亮了体育场。

    Floodlights illuminated the stadium .

  15. 4月20日,超人气乐团 U2将现身温布利体育场。

    Supergroup U2 will appear at Wembley Stadium on April 20 .

  16. 在体育场内及周边有2,250名警察在值勤。

    There were 2,250 policemen on duty in and around the stadium

  17. 目前许多学校的体育场都根本没有得到充分的利用。

    At present many schools ' sports grounds are grossly underused .

  18. 一个有两万个座位、带可开合顶棚的体育场正在规划中。

    A 20,000-seat arena with a retractable roof is planned .

  19. 他想给宾菲尔德庄园加盖一个大型综合体育场。

    He wants to add a huge sports complex to Binfield Manor .

  20. 体育场里将几乎空无一人。

    The stadium will be as near as dammit empty .

  21. 这个体育场配备了8万多个观众座席。

    The stadium has been fitted with seating for over eighty thousand spectators .

  22. 数以千计的人,主要是祖鲁族人,聚集在托考查的一个体育场里。

    Thousands of people , mainly Zulus , assembled in a stadium in Thokoza

  23. 首日比赛结束后,体育场空无一人。

    The stadium emptied at the end of the first day of athletics .

  24. 每个体育场均可容纳5万人左右。

    Each stadium had a seating capacity of about 50,000

  25. 我们费力地爬到山上的体育场。

    We trudged up the hill to the stadium .

  26. 温布利球场是该国最具代表性的体育场。

    Wembley is the showpiece stadium in this country .

  27. 将有7万人挤满整个体育场。

    Seventy thousand people will pack the stadium .

  28. 备受尊崇的特威肯纳姆体育场是米德尔塞克斯七人制橄榄球赛决赛的比赛场地。

    The hallowed turf of Twickenham is the venue for the Middlesex Rugby Sevens Finals

  29. 在设计图上,体育场呈椭圆形。

    The stadium is elliptical in plan .

  30. 一台电视摄像机摇摄整座体育场。

    A television camera panned the stadium