
tǐ fá
  • corporal punishment;physical punishment;chastise;hiding
体罚 [tǐ fá]
  • [corporal punishment] 成年人(如父母或教师)对小孩身体使用的惩罚,其严厉性从打手心到打屁股不等

体罚[tǐ fá]
  1. 1987年通过的法令明文禁止体罚。

    Corporal punishment was banned by statute in 1987 .

  2. 现在所有学校都禁止体罚。

    Nowadays , corporal punishment is banded in all schools .

  3. 体罚不应该作为约束儿童的手段。

    Physical punishment should not be used as a means of controlling children .

  4. 小孩的父亲敲打他的指关节体罚他。

    The child 's father gave a rap on the knuckles as a physical punishment .

  5. 审讯犯人时必须废止体罚。

    Corporal punishment must be abolished in trying criminals .

  6. 教师不应体罚学生。

    Teachers should not administer corporal punishment to students .

  7. 学校不应该体罚学生。

    Schools should not mete out physical punishment to children .

  8. 研究作者指出,体罚一直和心理健康问题、焦虑、抑郁、行为问题和药物滥用有关。

    According to the study 's authors , corporal punishment has been linked to the development of mental health issues , anxiety , depression , behavioral problems , and substance use disorders5 .

  9. 最后,麦克劳林补充道:“我们希望这一发现可以鼓励家庭不要使用体罚策略,或许这一研究能以人们从未想过的方式让他们看到体罚的潜在负面影响。”

    Ultimately , added McLaughlin , " we 're hopeful that this finding may encourage families not to use this strategy , and that it may open people 's eyes to the potential negative consequences of corporal punishment in ways they haven 't thought of before . "

  10. 例句现在许多学校禁止体罚。corpus['kɔ:pə

    Nowadays , corporal punishment is banned in many schools .

  11. Strauss教授广泛撰写了与体罚儿童有关的文章。

    Professor Strauss has written extensively about physical punishment of children .

  12. 研究发现,年龄较小的一组儿童中,未被父母体罚的孩子IQ比受到体罚的孩子高5分。

    The study says the IQs -- or intelligence quotients -- of the younger children who were not ed were five points higher than those who were .

  13. 据联合国儿童基金会(UnitedNationsChildren'sFund,简称:UNICEF)说,2004年对528名中国学生的调查显示,58%的学生遭受过体罚。这份调查指出,有学生说自己被老师踢打,或是被老师用什么东西殴打。

    A 2004 survey of 528 Chinese students found that 58 % had received corporal punishment , according to the United Nations Children 's Fund . The survey ( pdf ) noted that the students reported having been kicked , hit and beaten with objects .

  14. 体罚和变相体罚学生现象评析

    A probe into corporal punishment and covert corporal punishment on students

  15. 父母对体罚的态度与其体罚行为的关系

    Relationship Between Parents ' Attitudes Toward and Applications of Corporal Punishment

  16. 体罚是野蛮的文化的遗风遗俗(西里尔康诺利)

    Corporal punishment was a relic of barbarism ( Cyril Connolly )

  17. 你认为体罚应该被允许吗?

    Ann : Do you think that physical punishment should be allowed ?

  18. 同学们,现在你们总该知道为什么他父亲没有体罚他了吧?

    Now do you know why his father didn 't punish him ?

  19. “体罚”定义为“对一个人的身体采取的惩罚”。

    Target ha a " zero tolerence " policy towards corporal punishment .

  20. 我们不能打击或者体罚学生。

    We do not strike or otherwise physically punish children .

  21. 老师体罚学生肯定不对。

    The teacher give students corporal punishment must be wrong .

  22. 对大多数老师而言,体罚学生是最后的手段。

    For most teachers , punishment is the last resort .

  23. 论体罚产生的原因和禁止措施

    On the Reasons of Physical Punishment and the Prohibitive Measures

  24. 该机构还提到了体罚行为的普遍程度:

    The group also pointed out just how pervasive the practice is :

  25. 您可希望无需唠叨和体罚就能教导孩子?

    Do you want to instruct your child without nagging and spanking ?

  26. 也许是吧,但是我认为对他们还是不应该体罚。

    But I don 't think they should have physical punishment anyway .

  27. 他说,体罚的威胁可以让学生遵守纪律,教师们都赞同这种说法。

    He says just the threat of physical punishment and teachers agree .

  28. 为什么各国对体罚的态度不一?

    Why does the attitudes towards it vary in countries ?

  29. 受体罚儿童的心理行为研究

    A Study on the Psychological and Behavioral Characteristics of Children Suffered Corporal Punishment

  30. 用来体罚的扁平木板。

    A flat board used to administer physical punishment .