
yuē yīn
  • consideration
约因[yuē yīn]
  1. 约因制度在英美契约法中的衰落

    The Decline of Consideration in Anglo - American Contract Law

  2. 大陆法系许多国家的原因理论与普通法系国家的约因理论都是决定合同义务是否可以履行的重要条件。

    The doctrine of reason in many civil law countries and the theory of consideration of common law countries are all important conditions which decide the performance of contract obligations .

  3. 对这个孩子的命名是B的允诺的约因。

    The naming of the child is consideration for B 's promise .

  4. 与法律合约类似,咨询合约也有两个主要的条目:共有协议(mutualconsent)与约因(consideration)。

    Similar to legal contracts , a consulting contract addresses two major items : mutual consent and consideration .

  5. 英国1991年威廉姆斯案对约因理论的挑战

    The Challenge Posed by the English Case of Williams against Consideration

  6. 通常,法院因此而并不探究约因的充分性。

    Ordinarily , therefore , courts do not inquire into the adequacy of consideration .

  7. 在英美法系中,同样也有与之类似的不法约因制度。

    In the British and American law system , also have with it similar of illegal invite .

  8. 在美国,中国公司对芯片企业发出的多项要约因监管机构的担忧而被迫取消。

    In the United States , a number of Chinese bids for chip companies have been undone by regulatory concerns .

  9. 英美法系中的约因虽说并没有受到罗马私法上原因的影响,但其部分功能与原因仍然相似。

    Though the cause theory in Roman private law has seldom affection on the consideration in common law , some functions played by consideration are similar to cause .

  10. 英美法系通过合同法中的约因理论和允诺禁反言原则,合理地解释了单方允诺得以产生合同法之拘束力的原因。

    The contract law in common law system indicates that unilateral promise can produce the effect of contract because of the theory of consideration and the principle of promissory estoppel .

  11. 约因一定程度上否定了信赖利益的保护,同日益扩大的合同责任趋势相佐,从而否定了缔约过失责任;

    Consideration denies not only the protection for interest of trust in some way , but also the liability for contracting negligence , so it conflicts with gradually-expending liability of contract .

  12. 兹以合适及有价为约因,特此确认充分并予接受,订约各方同意达成如下协议的条款细则。

    Now , Therefore , for good and valuable consideration , the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged , the Parties agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement .

  13. 在我国法律制度体系中已存在与约因制度内在的合理性内核相似的法律救济制度及规则,因此,约因制度引入我国实无必要。

    There have been similar laws and rules in our law system , which have the same function as consideration , therefore it is unnecessary for China to set up the rules about consideration .

  14. 约因英美契约法的独特要素,约因法理的成熟形态&交易约因论是古典契约法的基石。

    Consideration being the necessary element is the unique content of Anglo-American contract law . The mature status of consideration theory is Bargain Theory of Consideration , which is the basis of classical contract laws .

  15. 契约,是一种特别的合约,须要经过当事人签署、盖章并送交对方才算有效,契约上的盖章在法律上被视为一种有效的约因。

    At common law , a deed was an instrument under seal that contained a covenant or contract delivered by the individual who was to be bound by it to the party to whom it was granted .

  16. 鉴于上述事实个各方在下文所作的陈述、保证、立约和承诺,及其他有效的有价约因,现各方达成协议如下。

    Now therefore , in consideration of the premises , and the representations , warranties , covenants , and undertakings of the parties hereinafter set forth , and for other good and valuable consideration , the parties agree among themselves as follows .

  17. 约因制度是英美法系独特的法律制度,结合约因制度的内容,联系英美法系法律思维,约因制度引入中国将会遇到水土不服现象,即约因制度过于技术化、复杂化,无法抽象出一般原则;

    Consideration is one of the particular law system which will not be suitable if it is introduced to China due to the content and the way of think about consideration , that is , an abstract principle can not be drawn because of complex specialized of applicability .