
shāng fǎ
  • commercial law;law merchant;commercial act;mercantile law
商法[shāng fǎ]
  1. 加入WTO与我国现代商法理念的重构

    China 's Entry Into WTO and Restructuring of Modern Commercial Law

  2. 笔者认为将NewLawMerchant界定为欧洲中世纪商人法基础上的新商人法,而不是跨国商法或商人习惯法。

    The author insists that New Law Merchant ought to be defined as New Law Merchant which originates from the European medieval law merchant rather than the transnational commercial law or lex mercatoria .

  3. 如果你经商,应该遵守商法。

    Obey the mercantile laws if you are engaged in business .

  4. 特长:善于演讲和辩论,熟练掌握英语,专长国际商法及电脑Word和Excel

    Special skills : Good at public speech and debate , Proficient in English , Expertise in commercial law and computer Word & Excel

  5. 我们的法学院主要研究世界贸易组织(WTO)和中国的商法,而经济学院则致力于研究中国的创新,卫生和劳工问题。

    Our School of Law is undertaking research on the World Trade Organisation and business laws in China ; and at the same time , our School of Economics is focusing on innovation , health and labour issues in China .

  6. 本文提出了一种在任意斜交曲线坐标系中确定矢量的Helmholtz方程分量式的一般方法&直接微商法。

    The general method being proposed in the paper is related to derive Component From Helmholtz 's vector equation against oblique Curvilinear Coordinate , called " Dircct Differentiating Approach " .

  7. 2001年,詹姆斯埃茨伯格(jamesedsberg)进入法国枫丹白露的欧洲工商管理学院(insead)攻读mba课程,希望从商法领域转行到更加商业化的领域。

    James edsberg started his MBA programme at INSEAD , in Fontainebleau , France in 2001 , in the hope of moving away from his career in commercial law into a more business-oriented role .

  8. 本文使用电位滴定法测定了河南省若干种粮食中直链淀粉的碘结合量及百分含量,并在二次微商法和Lansky法(B法)的基础上提出了一种改进法。

    The combined iodine content of amylose and its percentage content in some cereal of Henan Province have been determined with potentiometry . Based on both second differential method and Lansky method , a method of improvement on potentiometric titration of determination of amylose is developed in this paper .

  9. 英文商法教材章节导言的话语分析

    A Discourse Analysis of Chapter Introductions in English Business Law Textbooks

  10. 实证主义法学的理论是商法的理论基础。

    Positivism 's theory is the academic foundation of commercial law .

  11. 商法可以说是最古老的一门法律。

    The commercial law is one of a most ancient law .

  12. 作者从三个方面作了阐述,认为:首先,保险代位权是商法基本价的集中体现。

    First , subrogation embodies the fundamental value of commercial law .

  13. 提升农村市场化效应与改革商法制度的思考

    Thinking About Upgrading Country Marketization Effect And Reforming Commercial Law System

  14. 商法探源&论中世纪的商人法

    Sources of Commercial Law : Law Merchant in the Medieval Age

  15. 试论我国商法立法形式的选择

    On the Choice of Legislative Form of Business Law in China

  16. 日本和韩国商法规定了代表董事制度。

    Commercial laws of Japan and Korea provide representative directors system .

  17. 现代商法体系的确立。

    Four , the establishment of the modern Commercial Law system .

  18. 第五章为商法的秩序价值。

    The fifth chapter is the order value of commercial law .

  19. 商事关系乃全部商法的基石概念。

    Commercial relationship is the conception of cornerstone in commercial law .

  20. 商法与民法关系研究

    Studies on the Relation of Commercial Law and Civil Law

  21. 这需要商法原则这条线索将它们串起来。

    This requires that the commercial principles get them together .

  22. 论商法的统一美国《统一商法典》(货物买卖篇)评析

    A Review of Article Two of the United States Uniform Commercial Code

  23. 商法网络化考试改革的思考

    Reflection on the Networked Examination of the Commercial Law Course

  24. 商法是民法的特别法;

    Commercial law is a special law towards civil law .

  25. 对我国商法法典化的反思

    Reflections on formulation of a commercial code in present China

  26. 提升商事信用的商法制度创新

    Institutional Innovation of Commercial Law System on the Upgrade of Commercial Credit

  27. 我在哈佛读了两年商法。

    I studied business law at Harvard for two years .

  28. 第二,被充实内涵的商法原则帮助我们重新审视了商法独立性。

    Secondly , it help us review the independence of commercial law .

  29. 商法的体系范围即商法是由哪些具体的制度组成的。

    The system of commercial law is consist of what specific system .

  30. 第二,商法体系范围难以确定。

    Secondly , the system of commercial law is difficult to determine .