
jìn zhǐ fǎn yán
  • see also 禁止翻供
  1. 当WTO成员负有表述义务时,沉默可以引发禁止反言;

    Silence does not give rise to an estoppel , un2less there is duty to speak on one WTO member .

  2. 禁止反言原则源于中世纪的英国。

    The principle of estoppels derives from medieval England .

  3. 我国保险法上应当确立弃权与禁止反言制度。

    Establish waiver and estoppel system in the insurance law of our country .

  4. 第一章,保险法中弃权与禁止反言概述。

    Chapter One : Summary of Waiver and Estelle System in Insurance Law .

  5. 论普通法上的禁止反言原则

    On the Doctrine of Estoppel in Common Law

  6. 本文也因此归纳出了禁止反言原则的概念及其法律特征和适用该原则造成的法律后果。

    Then this article induces the conception of estoppel , its legal feature and legal result .

  7. 论海上保险人的弃权与禁止反言表见代表制度给企业带来的风险及对策

    Marine Insurer 's Waiver and Estoppel Risks Representative by Estoppel System Brings to Enterprises and the Countermeasures

  8. 禁止反言是英美法系的一个十分重要的概念和原则,它源自衡平法。

    The doctrine of estoppel that stemmed from Equity Law is a very important conception and principle in Englo-American legal system .

  9. 而在此期间,弃权与禁止反言制度的引进与实施历来为国内学者及立法者所提倡。

    In the meantime , the introduction and implementation of Waiver and Estelle System is ever promoted by domestic scholars and legislators .

  10. 本文还分析了禁止反言原则的理论基础,即诚实信用原则和以衡平理念为基础的公平正义观念。

    This article also analyses the theoretical bases of estoppel which are principle of good faith and principle of justice and equality .

  11. 该原则的适用主要有以下两种情形:(一)无因管理与赠与;(二)弃权和禁止反言。

    This principle is mainly applied to two kinds of situations : negotiorum gestio and donation , and principle of waiver and estoppel .

  12. 在对禁止反言原则的基础理论分析之后,文章开始着重从海商法的不同层面来分析禁止反言原则的适用。

    After the analysis of the basic theories of estoppel , this text begins to emphasize the application of estoppel in the particular situations of maritime law .

  13. 其二,被诉侵权方运用衡平法原则抗辩,可主张不正当行为、专利权滥用、禁止反言、不洁之手、懈怠等。

    In second type , the alleged infringer party can use several principles of equitable defenses , such as Inequitable Conduct , Unclean Hands , Misuse , Estoppel and Slack .

  14. 虽然《保险法》引进了不可抗辩条款,对告知义务的免除有了一定规定,但是该规定与英美法系较为完善的免除制度相比尚有不足,缺少弃权和禁止反言的适用。

    Insurance Act introduces the terms of non-defense , but compared to the exemption provisions of common law systems , which is still lack of the application of waiver and estoppel .

  15. 本文主要介绍了禁止反言在普通法上的四大类型&证据法上的禁止反言、衡平禁止反言、契约法上的禁止反言和所有权禁止反言,以及它们的适用条件。

    This paper expounds four types of the doctrine of estoppel , namely , estoppel in evidence law , equitable estoppel , estoppel in contract law and proprietary estoppel , and discusses their applicable conditions .

  16. 弃权与禁止反言制度源于英美合同法,其以限制英美法系中的对价原则,保护无对价合同相对人的合法利益为产生目的。

    Waiver and Estelle System originate from Anglo-American Law of Contracts , aiming to limit the doctrine of consideration in Anglo-American Legal System and protect legitimate interests of the other non-consideration party to the contract .

  17. 最大诚信原则对被保险人的要求主要体现在如实告知义务、保证义务以及危险增加的通知义务等,而保险人的义务主要包括说明义务、弃权与禁止反言、及时赔付义务等等。

    For the assured , the principle of utmost good faith embodies in Disclosure and Representation , Warranty etc ; for the insurer , it embodies in duty of explanation , Waiver , Estoppels and so on .

  18. 该部分分别对保险人合同解除权行使的主体、相对人、方式及行使的限制进行了阐述,在行使的限制部分引入了弃权和禁止反言规则。

    This part respectively discusses the main body , the relative person , the way and the restriction of the implementation . The waiver and estoppel regulations are led into this part as a successful system in Anglo-American insurance law .

  19. 笔者就弃权与禁止反言的基础概念着手,通过比照不同法系学者的定义得出自己的认知,并在此基础上对其概念进行比较分析。

    Starting with basic concept of Waiver and Estelle System , the author gets her own acknowledge by comparing scholars ' definitions of different law systems . On this basis , the author makes comparative analysis on concepts of the system .

  20. 本文的逻辑结构如下:引言,笔者通过陈述部分学者就弃权与禁止反言制度的研究成果,阐述自身的写作目的,研究对象及写作思路,就本文的写作意图进行初步奠定。

    The logical construction is as follows . Introduction : By stating some scholars ' research results on Waiver and Estelle System , the author describes her writing purpose , study object and writing plan , making preliminary laying for the purpose of this thesis .

  21. 在最大诚信原则的基础上,引入比例主义、弃权和禁止反言等制度,以及谨慎保险人概念,从而更好的完善如实告知义制度,保护保险合同双方利益。

    On the basis of the principle of utmost good faith , the paper introduces the concept of proportion and estoppel , as well as the concept of prudent insurer , in order to improve the justice system to protect the interests of both sides of the insurance contract .