
  • 网络the Prohibition
  1. 1928年,禁酒令实行的第8个年头

    It 's 1928 . Prohibition is in its eighth year .

  2. 当时马里兰州表示它想要摆脱这份禁酒令。

    Maryland said it wanted to be free from this prohibition .

  3. 禁酒令使得制造和售卖酒精饮料,成为违法行为

    Prohibition makes the manufacture and sale of alcohol illegal .

  4. 联邦官员,你们因违反禁酒令被捕了。

    Federal officer . you 're under arrest for violations of the Volstead act .

  5. (在禁酒令期间)一种不合法的酒吧间。

    ( during prohibition ) an illegal barroom .

  6. 这就是禁酒令引发的后果

    This is what Prohibition has come to .

  7. 禁酒令可以说是一场大试验

    so Prohibition is this grand experiment .

  8. 禁酒令招致了灾难性的后果

    Prohibition has been a disaster .

  9. 在去年宣布就任后,比哈尔首席部长尼特什·库玛不久便颁布了禁酒令。

    Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar announced the alcohol ban soon after taking office last year .

  10. 这就像我的国家历史上的禁酒令和艾尔卡彭的50倍规模重演。

    It 's my country 's history with alcohol prohibition and Al Capone , times 50 .

  11. 禁酒令于1933年废除。

    Prohibition was abolished in 1933 .

  12. 1929年情人节发生的事件,将会改变禁酒令在美国的命运

    What happens on Valentine 's Day 1929 will change the course of Prohibition in America .

  13. 在19世纪,具有象征意义的地图十分流行,特别是在美国禁酒令时期。

    In the 19th century , symbolic maps were very popular , especially during prohibition in America .

  14. 政府发布了一项24小时禁酒令,碰巧和投票时间一样,将从星期天清晨起执行。

    The government has introduced a 24-hour alcohol ban to coincide with voting which begins early Sunday morning .

  15. 禁酒令说以后只能在午餐时间喝啤酒,工人对此非常愤怒。

    The only place that you can get a beer in future is in the canteen , at lunch .

  16. 禁酒令并未能成功地阻止人们饮酒,它只是改变了饮酒时间和地点而已。

    Prohibition didn 't stop people from drinking ; it just changed the what and where of the equation .

  17. 丹麦嘉士伯啤酒厂工人开始闹罢工了,因为老板颁发了一项禁酒令。

    Hundreds of Carlsberg workers have gone on strike for a second day after a'beer ban'was imposed by bosses .

  18. 如果禁酒令还有效的话,你有刑事诉讼依据了

    Well , if prohibition were still in effect , you might actually have a basis of a criminal complaint .

  19. 研究报告中说:“禁酒令不仅扫了饮酒人士们的兴致,而且还有可能会减少收入”。

    " Not only do anti-alcohol policies reduce drinkers'fun , but they may also decrease earnings ," the study said .

  20. 1933年12月5日,禁酒令被废止,直接原因是政府空前的财政短缺

    On December 5 , 1933 , Prohibition is abolished , killed by the need for cold , hard cash .

  21. 即使在禁酒令被取消以后,她的私人宴会也只是上些啤酒,就连这样的事情也使她讨厌。

    Even after Prohibition was repealed she served only beer at her private dinner parties , and hated to do that .

  22. 之后政府发布了基于健康考虑的禁酒令,这在法国人眼里无异于叛国。

    This year , worse still , an official French government health warning recommended cutting out wine altogether . It 's basically treason .

  23. 在美国禁酒令时期,是精致的烟草广告促成了现在大众广告业以及麦迪逊大道的崛起。

    In Prohibition America , it was sophisticated tobacco advertising campaigns which gave birth to modern mass advertising and the rise of medicine avenue .

  24. 尽管如此,作为美国历史上一个具有重要影响的历史事件,禁酒令最终遭到废除并不等于禁酒运动本身缺少研究的价值。

    However , as one of the most important historical event , the Prohibition Movement is worth researching although the Volstead Act was abolished finally .

  25. 禁酒令被认为是“高贵实验”。这项禁令被认为可以降低犯罪率、降低监狱开支;

    Prohibition was considered the " noble experiment . " It was supposed to lower crime levels and reduce the amount of money spent on prisons .

  26. 捷克政府颁布的禁酒令,对出口和国内旅游业都造成了冲击。布拉格是男性周末豪饮聚会的热门目的地,尤其受到英国男性的青睐。

    The sales ban hit both exports and the domestic tourism industry – Prague is a popular destination for booze-filled weekend stag parties , especially from the UK .

  27. 但是问题是,当时的清教徒呼吁禁酒,导致亚特兰大全城推行禁酒令,于是彭伯顿不得不将葡萄酒换成汽水。

    The problem was , Protestant clamoring for prohibition led to citywide restrictions on alcohol consumption in Atlanta , forcing Pemberton to replace the wine with carbonated water .

  28. 自1971年迪士尼开园起,华特的愿景就是要营造一个有家庭氛围的游玩经历,禁酒令格外严苛。

    Prior to that , the park had a strict no-alcohol policy since its opening in 1971 as part of Walt Disney 's original vision to create a family-friendly experience .

  29. 换成汽水不仅仅是应对禁酒令的权宜之计,这也让彭伯顿得以将约80%的产品生产外包出去。

    The decision to switch to water was more than just an expedient solution to a prohibition problem : it allowed Pemberton to outsource roughly 80 % of his product 's volume onto others .

  30. .本周一,米兰的禁酒令正式生效,这使该市成为意大利首个禁止16岁以下青少年饮酒的城市。意大利总理西尔维奥•贝卢斯科尼称他支持将禁酒令在全国推广。

    Milan will become the first Italian city to bar drinking for youths aged under 16 when a ban takes effect on Monday , and Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said he favored extending the ruling nationwide .