
  • 网络grazing prohibition
  1. 同时发现禁牧改变土壤N转化进程,提高NH4+-N比例,降低相对硝化速率。

    Meanwhile , it was found out that the N transformation procedure in the soil was altered by grazing prohibition , which increased NH ~ + _4-N proportion and decreased the relative nitrification ratio .

  2. 受草场质量、到草场的距离等因素影响,不同子流域内禁牧的机会成本是空间异质的。

    Spatial heterogeneity of opportunity costs for grazing prohibition exists in each sub-basin due to grassland quality and access to grasslands .

  3. 此外,禁牧明显提高了土壤有机质数量和离子交换能力,降低土壤pH值,促进矿质元素分解转化,增加速效养分含量。

    In addition , forbidden grazing significantly improved the quantity of soil OM and CEC content , lower soil pH , promoted mineral elements into decomposition , increase available nutrient content .

  4. 氨态N、氨基酸N、酸水解N的绝对量均是禁牧区大于放牧区,但占全N的比例二者无显著差异。

    Absolute value of ammonium N , amino acid N , acid hydrolyzed N was higher in ungrazing sites than that in grazing sites , but the proportion to total N didn 't show significant differences .

  5. 荒漠牧草区年净第一生产力的空间分布有很大的差异,禁牧区牧草的年NPP相对非禁牧区的NPP较大,这一结论与地面观测结果相一致,NPP估算值平均误差为12.6%。

    In the desert area spatial distribution of the annual NPP varies greatly and the NPP in the grazing-prohibited area is higher than that in the grazing area , and this agrees with the result in the field observation . The average NPP error is 12.6 % in the estimation .

  6. 并对未禁牧群落(退化群落)、禁牧7a的群落和禁牧20a群落的8种主要植物叶的解剖结构特征进行比较研究,以探讨植物叶结构对禁牧的响应。

    Eight predominant plants were collected from unfenced community ( degenerated community ), community fenced for 7 years and community fenced for 20 years . Leaf anatomical structures were compared to reveal the responses of plant leaf structures to grazing prohibition .

  7. 围栏禁牧对退化草原土壤水分的影响研究

    Studies on Effect of Fencing on Soil Water of Degenerated Grassland

  8. 高寒牧区草地春季禁牧试验简报

    Test on forbidden grazing in spring grassland in alpine pasture

  9. 禁牧封育对退化草地的改良效果

    Effect of enclosure and grazing prohibition on the improvment of deteriorated grassland

  10. 禁牧封育3年后退化草地生物量测定

    Surveying biomass of degraded grassland for forbidden grazing and enclosing after three years

  11. 禁牧对安西荒漠化草原芨芨草光合生理生态特征的影响

    Effect of Enclosure on Photo-physiological Characteristics of Achnatherum splendens in Deserted Grassland of Anxi

  12. 临汾市实行禁牧轮牧的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice to Carry out Forbidding Herding and Rotation Grazing in Linfen City

  13. 通过围封禁牧有效地修复生态环境,保护生态的平衡。

    By surrounding sealing ungrazing effectively repair ecological environment , protect the ecological balance .

  14. 围栏禁牧对羊草草原和大针茅草原蝗虫丰富度的影响

    Effect of livestock exclusion on abundance of grasshoppers on Aneurolepidium chinense and Stipa grandis steppes

  15. 本文研究了休牧、禁牧、不同休牧时间以及不同放牧制度对草群生产力的影响。

    Impacts of no grazing in summer on greenhouse gas emissions from Kobresia humilis alpine meadow ;

  16. 连续放牧群落净初级生产量高于禁牧群落,为超补偿生长。

    The primary production under CG is higher than the FG and appeared as over-compensatory growth .

  17. 禁牧政策及其效应解析

    Prohibiting graze policy and its effect

  18. 实行春季禁牧制度是高寒牧区保护草地生态环境,促进畜牧业持续发展的有效措施。

    It is an effective countermeasure to protect grassland eco-environment and to develop animal husbandry sustainable .

  19. 如何保证禁牧政策顺利实施,防止放牧反弹,是禁牧后在项目管理方面一直探索的问题。

    How to ensure policy implementation and prevent re-pasturing is a key issue for the project management .

  20. 农牧交错带草场禁牧政策下草场制度创新分析

    Institutional innovation of grassland management under the grazing ban policy in the cross-area of cropping and grazing

  21. 划区轮牧和连续放牧载畜率均为3个羊单位·hm~(-2),禁牧为对照。

    The stocking rate was designed as middle intensity of 3 sheep-unit per hectare for RG and CG .

  22. 禁牧能够提高群落主要植物种群的地上净初级生产力;

    The aboveground net primary production of the plant was increased when grazing was forbidden for appropriate period .

  23. 禁牧封育对三江源区黑土滩人工草地的影响

    Impacts of Fencing on ' Black Soil Beach ' Sowing Grassland in the Yangtze and Yellow River Regions

  24. 推行禁牧舍饲是保护世行项目治理成果的重要方法。

    Prohibit pasture and raise livestock is one of important device for maintaining the achievements made by the project .

  25. 比较研究了羊草草原连续自由放牧19年和围栏禁牧对暗栗钙士磷的贮量和形态的影响。

    Effects of 19 year grazing on phosphorous stock and forms in chestnut soil of Leymus chinensis steppe were investigated .

  26. 所以保护草地,维持其生态稳定乃是开发藏北高原草地资源的重要原则,故对高寒荒漠草原与已沙化的高寒草原须禁牧;

    So the important principle for exploiting grasslands in Northern Xizang Plateau is to protect grasslands by maintaining ecological stability .

  27. 牧民的受偿意愿由牧民养羊数量、受教育年限、草地现状以及对禁牧政策的支持程度决定。

    The WTA of herdsmen were determined by household sheep quantity , education , grassland condition and attitude towards this policy .

  28. 黄土高原地区的封山育林和禁牧工作要与农村经济发展和产业结构调整紧密结合,才能长期实行下去。

    When closing hillsides and prohibiting grazing , the actual rural economic development and industry structure adjustment should be fully considered .

  29. 在实施天然草原退牧还草示范工程的青海省玉树县上拉秀乡进行了3年禁牧封育退化草地的观测,研究了禁牧封育对高寒草甸和高寒沼泽化草甸退化草地的改良作用。

    The effect of enclosing and grazing prohibition on the improvment of deteriorated alpine meadow and the alpine swamp meadow was conducted .

  30. 对β-多样性的分析说明适度休牧和全年禁牧有利于环境的稳定,3个休牧处理之间的差异不显著。

    The analysis of β - diversity index shew moderate delaying grazing and banning grazing that were benefit for stabilization of environment .