
jìn liè qū
  • sanctuary;suspended hunting area;game refuge;shikargah
禁猎区[jìn liè qū]
  1. 附近有个鸟类禁猎区,是用来纪念伟大的博物学家wh赫德森的。

    Nearby is the bird sanctuary , memorial to the great naturalist w.h.hudson .

  2. 偷猎者因在禁猎区从事诱捕而被抓获。

    The poacher was arrested for trapping in the game preserve .

  3. 她把那只狐狸放到禁猎区了。

    She dropped that Fox off at the game preserve .

  4. 在禁猎区捕鱼或狩猎。

    To take fish or game in a forbidden area .

  5. 他是一个大型动物禁猎区的主要管理人。

    He 's the chief warden of a big-game reservation .

  6. 自然保护区,自然禁猎区在人们意识到应当保护自然资源的这个时代,草原已不容再受破坏了。

    Nature sanctuary In these conservation-conscious times , areas of grassland are no longer expendable .

  7. 撇开这类禁猎区不说,山区为麋鹿提供了最安全的栖息场所。

    Except for such preserves , the mountains have offered the elk their safest habitat .

  8. 冰川湾国家公园和禁猎区

    Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve

  9. 当然更多的是生活在禁猎区。

    Many more lived on reservations .

  10. 比温蒂禁猎区国家公园

    Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

  11. 公园表示,两只雌性黑猩猩自年幼时期就一直生活在一个为动物孤儿开辟的封闭的禁猎区。

    The female gorillas have lived in an enclosed sanctuary for orphans since they were infants , said the park .

  12. 在小道附近的丛林中间,雄雉的啼叫声警告我,我已进入了禁猎区。

    The crowing of cock pheasants from the thicket beside the old road warned me that I was on preserved grounds .

  13. 在禁猎区捕鱼或狩猎船长打开写有禁止吸烟的告示灯。

    To take fish or game in a forbidden area . The captain has switched on the ` no smoking ` sign .

  14. 在过去几百年里,这是一个非常普通的事,教堂和大教堂委托艺术家美化禁猎区与血迹的玻璃门窗,新的神坛和其他装饰品。

    In centuries past , it was a perfectly ordinary thing for churches and cathedrals to commission artists to beautify their sanctuaries with stained-glass windows , new altars and other decorations .

  15. 因为被基本排除在超文本世界之外,印刷书籍就已成为线性的深度关注阅读这一濒危物种的禁猎区。

    Because they have been largely walled off from the world of hypertext , print books have remained a kind of game preserve for the endangered species of linear , deep-focus reading .

  16. 第二十条在自然保护区、禁猎区和禁猎期内,禁止猎捕和其他妨碍野生动物生息繁衍的活动。

    Article 20 In nature reserves and areas closed to hunting , and during seasons closed to hunting , the hunting and catching of wildlife and other activities which are harmful to the living and breeding of wildlife shall be prohibited .

  17. 俄罗斯特别自然保护区域包括国家级自然保护区、全国和地方性的国家自然禁猎区、国家公园、自然公园、自然遗迹地、植物园、树木公园、疗养院、医疗保健地等特别自然保护区域。

    Russian nature conservation region consists of following protected units : national nature reserve , national and local hunting preserves , national park , nature park , nature remnant , arboretum , arborous park , sanatorium , medical treatment and health care sites .

  18. 不,因为台湾目前禁猎。保护区内禁止打猎。

    No , because hunting is now prohibited in Taiwan . No hunting is allowed in the preserve .

  19. 笔者就元代的野生动物保护法所涉及的禁猎时间、禁猎区及其相关的执法问题进行了全方位的透视,进而为今天的生物多样性等环境问题的解决,提供了历史依据。

    The authors examine the time to ban hunting , areas where hunting is prohibited and the relative problems to enforce the law in which Conserve Wildlife Law in the Yuan dynasty involved , and provide the reliable historical proofs for the solution to the environment of diversified living things .