
jìn zhǐ lìnɡ
  • injunction;restraining order;inhibition
  1. 三星(Samsung)可能被迫修改其智能手机运行的软件,以继续在美国销售,此前一上诉法庭赋予苹果(Apple)一项禁止令,苹果曾在2012年的专利诉讼中击败三星。

    Samsung may be forced to make changes to the software running on its smartphones in order to keep selling them in the US , after an appeals court granted Apple an injunction following its 2012 patent victory over its rival .

  2. 苹果同时还要面对谷歌安卓操作系统这一劲敌,还有一些法律诉讼——在8月9日苹果赢得了对三星Galaxy平板电脑(与苹果iPad相似)在欧洲销售的禁止令。

    Apple also faces stiff competition from Google 's Android operating system , and various legal battles - on August 9th it won an injunction to stop Samsung selling its Galaxy tablet , which resembles an iPad , in Europe .

  3. 美国漫画出版商阿奇漫画(ArchieComics)的联席首席执行官南希•西尔伯克莱特上个月收到了一张法院的禁止令,禁止她再进入公司总部。

    Archie comics co-CEO Nancy silberkleit got slapped with a restraining order last month , keeping her from entering the corporate headquarters .

  4. 据内部人士透露,法国-瑞士私人银行和资产管理公司爱德蒙德罗斯柴尔德(EdmonddeRothschild,又称爱德蒙德洛希尔)集团即将向法国财务顾问公司RothschildCie发出禁止令。

    Edmond de Rothschild Group , a Franco-Swiss private bank and asset manager , is about to issue a cease-and-desist order to the French financial adviser Rothschild Cie , insiders have disclosed .

  5. 据内部人士透露,法国-瑞士私人银行和资产管理公司爱德蒙德罗斯柴尔德(EdmonddeRothschild,又称爱德蒙德洛希尔)集团即将向法国财务顾问公司Rothschild&Cie发出禁止令。

    Edmond de Rothschild Group , a Franco-Swiss private bank and asset manager , is about to issue a cease-and-desist order to the French financial adviser Rothschild & Cie , insiders have disclosed .

  6. 据科技新闻网站TheVerge报道,早些时候谷歌向微软发出一份禁止令,要求微软从WindowsPhone系统上卸载YouTube应用,原因是WP版的YouTube应用里去掉了广告。

    Earlier , Google sent Microsoft a cease and desist letter demanding that Microsoft remove the YouTube app from its Windows Phone operating system because the app lacked its usual advertising , according to the verge , a technology news site .

  7. 在向香港证交所提交的一份声明中,中信表示,将于周五向西澳高等法院申请禁止令,制止Mineralogy用自己发出的通知来中止中信方面的采矿权。

    In a statement to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange , Citic said it would seek an injunction in the supreme court of Western Australia on Friday to restrain Mineralogy from relying on the notice to terminate its mining rights .

  8. 禁止令即将出炉的消息,反映了罗斯柴尔德家族两个分支之间敌意的升级,也代表了阿里亚纳•德•罗斯柴尔德(ArianedeRothschild)上任后的首批行动之一。阿里亚纳于今年1月底接任爱德蒙德罗斯柴尔德首席执行官。

    News of the impending cease-and-desist order reflects an escalation of hostilities between two sides of the family , and represents one of the first acts of Ariane de Rothschild , who took over as chief executive of Edmond de Rothschild at the end of January .

  9. 法院颁布了一项不得设置罢工纠察队的禁止令。

    The court issued an injunction that picketing not take place .

  10. 这是什么,是禁止令吗

    What 's this ? Is this a cease and desist ?

  11. 采取禁止令之前,可以先尝试一下下面的方法。

    Before you resort to a restraining order , try this approach .

  12. 欧盟也采取了类似的资产冻结行为并颁布了旅行禁止令。

    The European Union issued similar freezes and travel bans .

  13. 对尼加拉瓜的贸易禁令他申请法院发禁止令。

    Trade embargo against Nicaragua He applied to the court for an injunction .

  14. 他申请法院发禁止令。

    He applied to the court for an injunction .

  15. 禁止令只是个开始

    The cease and desist is just the beginning .

  16. 好像今天刚废除禁止令一样。

    Just like it 's the day after prohibition .

  17. 这个女人对我申请了禁止令

    The woman filed a restraining order against me .

  18. 禁止令增强了我们追求的欲望。

    Deprivation increases the power of what we desire .

  19. 克莉丝汀正在申请法院禁止令,希望能阻止该专辑上市。

    Ms. Aguilera is seeking an injunction to stop the sale of the album .

  20. 这能解释那禁止令。

    That would explain the restraining order .

  21. 又是你?想想我该怎么办呢,开一张法院禁止令?

    You again ? What do I have to do , get a restraining order ?

  22. 法律顾问建议申请向公司董事发禁止令。

    The legal adviser recommend apply for an injunction against the director of the company .

  23. 禁令由法院作出的禁令他申请法院发禁止令。

    A prohibition by court order . He applied to the court for an injunction .

  24. 他申请了一个禁止令。

    He filed a restraining order .

  25. 作为我国刑罚执行监管制度的一个重要创新,禁止令有着积极的制度价值。

    As an important innovation of our country ' spenalty system , PO has a positive value .

  26. 禁止令制度作为一种新兴制度,体系性的探讨将便于后来学者进行进一步的研究。

    As an emerging system , systematic study will facilitate the later scholars to conduct further studies .

  27. 这马上就奏效了。禁止令颁布几天之后,孩子们就开始在他们以前未去过的大街上玩耍了。

    A few days after the injunctions , children are playing on streets where they never were before .

  28. 今天,受理案件的法官应就这项禁令发布初步禁止令,但是他们暂停了裁决。

    The judges in the case should put preliminarily injunction on the ban today but then suspended this ruling .

  29. 问题就在于根据禁止令,科瓦克斯的债务是否属于免除的债务。

    The issue was whether Kovacs ' obligation under the injunction was a " debt " subject to discharge .

  30. 终止判决类似于颁布一个初步的禁止令要求衡平法上的权力平衡。

    The suspension decision is analogous to the issuance of a preliminary injunction and calls for the balancing of the equities .