
  1. 中国的禁烟法将于下周一在北京实施。

    The No-Smoking Law in China will be carried out next Monday in Beijing .

  2. 成立禁烟法对社会有利。

    An anti-smoking law is good for society .

  3. 佩哈切克医生说,研究人员还对普韦布洛附近一些没有禁烟法的城市进行了研究。

    Dr. Pechacek says researchers also studied nearby areas in Colorado without smoking bans .

  4. 《爱尔兰时报》消息,西班牙昨天颁布实施的禁烟法可谓是欧洲各国最严厉的禁烟法令之一。

    Spain initiated one of the strictest anti-smoking laws in Europe yesterday , the Irish Times reported .

  5. 新的禁烟法出台可能还需要一段时间,但是这次禁烟行动是具有重大历史意义的。

    The new law may not go as far as some would like , but the action is historic .

  6. 作为该活动一部分的是在2005年政府通过了一项禁烟法,禁止在公共场所做烟草广告。

    As part of its campaign the regime passed a law in2005 to restrict smoking and to ban tobacco advertisements in public places .

  7. 对美国西部科罗拉多州普韦布洛市一项禁烟活动进行研究的人员称,在这个城市实行的禁烟法已经使得因为心脏病发作而住院的人减少了百分之40。

    Researchers studying a smoking ban in the western U.S. state of Colorado say a no smoking law in one city led to a 40 percent decrease in the number of residents hospitalized for heart attacks .