
tán pàn zhě
  • negotiator
  1. 他是一个胸有成竹、充满信心的谈判者。

    He 's a self-assured , confident negotiator .

  2. 他是个难对付的谈判者。我们没指望说服他,而且也没说服他。

    He is a tough negotiator . We did not expect to find him a pushover and he has not been one .

  3. 美国的谈判者决定再作一番努力,力争达成和解。

    The US negotiators decided to make another try at reaching a settlement .

  4. 谈判者未能消弭欧共体和美国之间在削减农民补贴一事上的争端。

    Negotiators failed to resolve the bitter dispute between the European Community and the United States over cutting subsides to farmers .

  5. 谈判者充当劳资双方的联络人。

    The negotiator acted as liaison between labour and management .

  6. 谈判者认为他们很快就会达成和平协议的框架。

    The negotiators believe they will soon have the bare bones of a peace agreement .

  7. 谈判者成功地签署了一项贸易协定,抢占了邻国的先机。

    The negotiator2 managed to sign a trade deal that stole a march on neighbouring countries .

  8. 包括谷歌(Google)、Facebook和Twitter在内的联盟昨日指责谈判者仓促提出修正内容,而没有咨询儿童安全组织。

    A coalition including Google , Facebook and Twitter yesterday accused negotiators of rushing the amendment and not consulting child safety organisations .

  9. 其中一个变化可能已在上周发生:欧盟和imf的谈判者提出了新一批紧缩措施。

    One such shift may have occurred last week , when EU and IMF negotiators imposed a new tranche of austerity .

  10. 海鲜供应商MikeVoisin作为代表蚝产业的核心谈判者,对于这个结果感到很满意。

    Mike Voisin , a seafood supplier and a key negotiator for the oyster industry , is happy with the new offer .

  11. 这绝不是REDD谈判者面临的问题的一份彻底的清单,特别是对于那些来自发展中国家的为哥本哈根会议做准备的参与者。

    This is by no means an exhaustive list of issues facing REDD negotiators , particularly those from the developing world , as they prepare for Copenhagen .

  12. 没有准备评论;毫无防备的震动;我们的谈判者谈到了毫无准备得非常困难的问题r.e.达尼尔森。

    Unprepared remarks ; the shock was unprepared ; our treaty makers approached their immensely difficult problems unprepared-r.e.danielson .

  13. EIA的分析与中国的增长情况相符:2013年之前的10年期间,中国经济高速增长,现在则缓慢得多。但这项分析也让气候变化谈判者赖以确定各国排放水平的计算陷入了混乱。

    The EIA 's analysis squares with the supercharged economic growth of the decade before 2013 and much slower growth now but throws into confusion the calculations on which climate change negotiators rely to determine the level of emissions produced by each nation .

  14. 结果表明:BATNA除了原有的激励作用外,也降低了谈判者对于谈判所要达成的结果的期望;

    Our findings indicate that , although the BATNA keeps the function of stimulation ( it does motivate negotiators to win better results ) , it lowers negotiators ' expectations of negotiation results ;

  15. 市场人士和参与谈判者表示,拟议中的特殊目的投资载体(spiv)具体细节仍不够明晰,能否从新兴市场国家的外汇储备和主权财富基金吸引资金尚无法预测。

    Market participants and people involved in the negotiations said details of the planned special purpose investment vehicle ( spiv ) remained too hazy to predict whether it would attract money from emerging market central bank reserves and sovereign wealth funds .

  16. 我是个精明的谈判者,又及其善于言辞。

    I was a canny negotiator and a very capable speaker .

  17. 影响商务谈判者情绪的因素的研究

    The Study about the Factors Influencing Negotiator Emotion in Business Negotiation

  18. 谈判者确信他们将很愉做成一笔交易。

    Negotiators are confident they can wrap up a deal soon .

  19. 这位严厉的谈判者故意拖延时间,毫不让步地争取某些条款。

    The stern negotiator held out for certain conditions without concession .

  20. 老练的谈判者提出问题并且紧扣事实。

    Skilled negotiators ask questions and stick to the facts .

  21. 问题12:该男士是如何评价优秀的谈判者的?

    Question 12 . What 's the man say about good negotiators ?

  22. 因此,不同文化背景的谈判者运用不同的方式、策略进行谈判。

    Therefore , negotiators with different cultural backgrounds employ different negotiating strategies .

  23. 美印民用核合作谈判中首席谈判者角色分析

    An Analysis of Role of Chief Negotiators in US-Indian Civilian Nuclear Negotiations

  24. 谈判者在主要问题上基本达成协议。

    The negotiators reached broad agreement on the main issues .

  25. 娴熟的谈判者会使用某些特定的策略。

    There are certain tactics that all skillful negotiators employ .

  26. 最出色的谈判者从来不会抱着本垒打的心态。

    The best negotiators don 't have a home-run mentality .

  27. 谈判者正努力使交战各派议和。

    The negotiators are trying to make peace between the Warring factions .

  28. 一个好的谈判者知道何时作妥协。

    A good negotiator know when to make a compromise .

  29. 谈判者和助手们看上去像是湮没在纸堆里。

    Negotiators and aides seemed to be drowning in paper .

  30. 协商的其中一个问题是谈判者错误地解读了他。

    One problem with the negotiations was that their negotiators read him wrong .