
tán lùn
  • talk about;discuss;speak about;remark;bandy
谈论 [tán lùn]
  • [discuss;talk about] 以谈话的方法表示对人对事的看法

  • 谈论我们毕业后将干什么

谈论[tán lùn]
  1. 我不想在电话里谈论此事。

    I 'm not prepared to discuss this on the phone .

  2. 你何时才能明白我不想再谈论这件事了!

    When will you get it into your head that I don 't want to discuss this any more !

  3. 他要对公众集会发表演说谈论这个问题。

    He was to address a public assembly on the issue .

  4. 农民至今还在谈论1999年的大严寒。

    Farmers still talk about the big freeze of ' 99 .

  5. 我们谈论的是一个两三百的数字。

    We 're talking about a figure in the low hundreds .

  6. 在男女混杂的场合,我不愿意谈论这件事。

    I 'd rather not talk about it in mixed company .

  7. 我们不会谈论那件事的——那都已经过去了。

    We won 't talk about that ─ that 's history .

  8. 你们谈论的是我母亲!

    That happens to be my mother you 're talking about !

  9. 他愤怒地谈论城市贫民的处境。

    He spoke angrily about the condition of the urban poor .

  10. 这个意见与我们所谈论的话题毫不相干。

    This comment bore no relationship to the subject of our conversation .

  11. 他们在一起时,谈论的都是足球。

    When they get together , all they talk about is football .

  12. 男孩子往往不如女孩子敢于谈论自己的问题。

    Boys are often more inhibited than girls about discussing their problems .

  13. 我们别再谈论节食这个话题行吗?

    Please can we get off the subject of dieting ?

  14. 他正在谈论开创全新的事业。

    He 's talking in terms of starting a completely new career .

  15. 我们尽可谈论美的事物,但美本身却是抽象的。

    We may talk of beautiful things but beauty itself is abstract .

  16. 他情深意切地谈论着往昔和他的年少时光。

    He talked romantically of the past and his youth .

  17. 她敢于公开地谈论自己的想法。

    She had no inhibitions about making her opinions known .

  18. 我们突然领悟到原来我们谈论的不是同一个人。

    Suddenly it clicked ─ we 'd been talking about different people .

  19. 我们一夜没睡,谈论着如何拯救世界。

    We stayed up all night , setting the world to rights .

  20. 他开始兴高采烈地谈论他的新车。

    He began to wax lyrical about his new car .

  21. 她以极大的热忱谈论自己的新方案。

    She spoke about her new project with missionary zeal .

  22. 我们只好坐着听他谈论人生。

    We had to sit and listen to his musings on life .

  23. 法官的判决成了法律界谈论的中心。

    The judge 's decision became a legal talking point .

  24. 我们整个晚上谈论家庭琐事。

    We spent the whole evening discussing domestic trivia .

  25. 别烦她了,她显然不想谈论这事。

    Leave her be , she obviously doesn 't want to talk about it .

  26. 孩子们很兴奋,没完没了地谈论着第二天的活动。

    The children chattered to each other excitedly about the next day 's events .

  27. 他们谈论着过去,声音显得急促而含混不清。

    They were gabbling on about the past .

  28. 这个话题绝对禁止谈论。

    This subject is definitely a no-go area .

  29. 她不习惯谈论自己。

    She was unused to talking about herself .

  30. 真是巧了,我在第二天遇见了我们一直在谈论的那个人。

    By coincidence , I met the person we 'd been discussing the next day .