
  • 网络talk therapy;The Talking Cure
  1. 由于谈话疗法实际上是不存在的,治疗通常是药物治疗。

    Treatment typically involves medication because talk therapy is virtually nonexistent .

  2. 在乔布斯看来,这一疗法比谈话疗法要好,因为这其中包含了直观的感受和情感上的活动,而不仅仅只是理性的分析。

    To Jobs , this seemed preferable to talk therapy because it involved intuitive feeling and emotional action rather than just rational analyzing .

  3. 就像每个星期四晚上一样,这天晚上心理学家莫德·莱汉恩一次举行了两场法国人最爱的消遣活动,那就是喝咖啡和“谈话疗法”。

    This evening , as on every Thursday night , psychologist Maud Lehanne is leading two of France 's favorite pastimes , coffee drinking and the " talking cure " .

  4. 自由谈话疗法经典精神分析疗法不错

    The talking cure . Classical Freudian . Good choice .

  5. 如果说心理治疗是一种谈话疗法,那按摩就是一种无言的疗法。我会像躲避瘟疫一样地回避爱聊天的男女按摩师。

    If psychotherapy is the talking cure , massage is the non-talking one ; I avoid chatty masseurs and masseuses like the plague .

  6. 随着中国人民寻求成功之外的人生意义,张对“谈话疗法”的热爱反应了人们对这方面日益高涨的兴趣。

    Zhang'senthusiasm for the " talking cure " reflects a wider surge in interest , as China'scitizens seek meaning beyond the quest for prosperity .

  7. 我有三周半的时间没有去办公,而是在山上的一个小屋中进行我自称的“散步和谈话疗法”。

    I was away from the office for three and half weeks , after what I call ' walking and talking therapy ' in a cottage in the mountains .

  8. 然而,谈话疗法在坚持数年之后,可以帮助人们更好地理解潜伏在他们的情感与行为之下的东西,更好地接受自己真正的能力与潜力,学习更有效地与他人打交道,从而体验更美好的人际关系。

    Rather , talk therapy can , over a period of years , help people better understand what underlies their feelings and behavior , accept their true competence and potential , learn to relate more effectively with other people and , as a result , experience more rewarding relationships .