
  • 网络Mondrian;Piet Mondrian;Mondriaan
  1. 荷兰的蒙德里安就是从事创作抽象作品。

    Piet mondrian , a dutchman , painted Abstract works .

  2. 德劳内受到毕加索的影响又影响了康定斯基和蒙德里安。

    Delaunay was influenced by Picasso and the impact of the Kandinsky and mondrian .

  3. 纯粹的抽象&蒙德里安和他的新造型主义

    Being purely Abstract & Mendalia and his new moulding style

  4. 1920年代里,荷兰画家蒙德里安提议用水平线与垂直线作为绘画的基本形式美。

    In1920s , Dutch painter P.Mondrian proposed horizontals and verticals as the basic forms of beauty for painting .

  5. 现在我在美国迈阿密和拉斯维加斯设计一系列的私人住宅项目,同时也在设计一系列蒙德里安风格的酒店。

    Out : I am working on some private residences as well as the new Mondrian hotels in Miami South Beach and Las Vegas .

  6. 第一章的罚款(虽然没有大的蒙德里安扇),称为约翰哈伯发表评论纽约网上展览和周围。

    A fine chap ( though no great fan of Mondrian ), called John Haber publishes online reviews of exhibitions in and around New York .

  7. 玻璃前几乎是蒙德里安状,并包含原来的铅玻璃引用,告诉了更多的审美方式宗教故事。

    The glass front is almost Mondriaan-like , and contains references to the original leaded glass , that tells a religious story in a more aesthetic way .

  8. 蒙德里安无疑是对丁乙有着重大影响的艺术家,十字的运用和第一幅十字作品里色块的组合,都带着明显的对蒙德里安的敬仰。

    Mondrian is undoubtedly have a significant impact on ding yi of the artist , the use of the " ten " word and the first " ten " word picture in the combination of color piece , with obvious admiration of mondrian .

  9. 但很快,丁乙画面的十字开始向复杂化和个性化发展,蒙德里安式的安静平板的画面渐渐被一种由格子和十字细微的变化给画面带来的运动感、流动性取代。

    But soon , ding yi picture cross to complicate and personalized development , mondrian type of quiet flat screen is a kind of gradually by the grid and the " ten " word subtle changes bring images of movement , and liquidity .