
ménɡ yuān
  • be wronged
蒙冤 [méng yuān]
  • [be wronged] 蒙受冤屈

  • 蒙冤而死

  1. 专业MacWorld网站有报道称,苹果也许会删除许多应用在这次系统崩溃期间蒙冤得到的一星差评。

    He pointed readers to a MacWorld report that the company might be removing the one-star ratings many apps had unfairly received during the meltdown .

  2. 独立导演拉夫•迪亚兹(LavDiaz)执导的这部长达四小时的剧情片讲述的是,一名无辜男子因被误判谋杀罪而蒙冤入狱。戛纳电影节称,导演通过该片审视了菲律宾“背叛与冷漠的无休止循环”。

    The festival describes indie director Lav Diaz 's four-hour long drama about a man who 's been unjustly imprisoned for a murder he didn 't commit as a look at the " never-ending cycle of betrayal and apathy " in the Philippines .

  3. 好吧,蒙冤错判的人一般都是这样子的。

    Well , wrongly accused people tend to be that way .

  4. 后因李陵事件蒙冤,被处以宫刑。

    Unfortunately , Sima Qian was involved in the Li Ling Affair which offended the emperor , who sentenced him to castration .

  5. 法官说虽然让一个罪犯逃脱制裁是遗憾的,但不让一个无辜的人蒙冤受屈更为重要得多。

    The judge said although it would be unfortunate for a guilty party to escape justice , it was far more important that an innocent person should not be wrongly punished .

  6. 即使在检察官藏匿开罪证据并让人蒙冤入狱的情况下,公民也无力迫使检察机关承担其未能培养合格律师的负责。

    It tore down the ability of citizens to hold prosecutors'offices accountable for failing to train their lawyers , even when prosecutors hide exculpatory evidence and send innocent people to prison .

  7. 《三国演义》里的张角被描写成有悖于道教宗旨萌异心夺天下的反贼,致使千古英杰蒙冤含屈。

    He was described as a rebel who was contrary to the aim of the Taoist religion and arosed a desire to seize the country in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms .

  8. 表观遗传学的研究,像拉马克的长颈鹿一样揭示某些东西,的确表明后天获得特征能够被遗传,并且让拉马克不会再蒙冤。

    Research on epigenetics , while yet to uncover anything as dramatic as Lamarck 's giraffes , does suggest that acquired traits can be heritable , and that Lamarck was not so wrong after all .

  9. 胡歌在剧中的角色梅长苏在一次战斗中遭人陷害,武功全废,韬光养晦多年凭借自己的聪明才智最终为自己蒙冤而死的父亲以及家人复仇平反。

    In the series , Mei Changsu , played by Hu Ge , relies solely on his wits to avenge the betrayal of his father and fellow kinsmen after losing all his Kung Fu skills in a battle .