
  • 网络Japanese historians
  1. 论汉代国家财政与帝室财政管理体制&与加藤繁先生商榷

    On the National Finance and the Royal Finance in the Han Dynasty

  2. 日本加藤繁先生六七十年前所著《唐宋时代金银之研究》,是中国货币史研究方面的一部重要著作。

    The Study of Bullion from the Tang and Song Dynasty written by a Japanese author sixty or seventy years ago is a very important work on the study of Chinese numismatic history .

  3. 从《帝鉴图说》看16世纪末的中国帝政论汉代国家财政与帝室财政管理体制&与加藤繁先生商榷

    The Royal Politics in China at the End of the 16_ ( th ) Century ── Viewed from Di Jian Tu Shuo On the National Finance and the Royal Finance in the Han Dynasty