
  • 网络Katanga Province;R.D.C.
  1. 当全球大宗商品价格大跌时,加丹加省承受了痛苦的后果:在短短数周的时间里,豪华住宅建设项目和刚进口的全新吉普就消失了,取而代之的是失业和犯罪率上升。

    When global commodity prices tumbled , the result in Katanga was painful : in the space of weeks luxury house-building projects and freshly imported jeeps vanished to be replaced by unemployment and rising crime .

  2. 矿商兼贸易商嘉能可(Glencore)在加丹加省有多个大型项目,它的合作伙伴们将自掏腰包提供3.68亿美元贷款,修复因加2号水电站停转的涡轮机,以增加发电量。

    Glencore , the miner-cum-trader that has several big projects in Katanga and its partners are lending $ 368m out of its own pocket to rehabilitate the turbines of Inga 2 as a way to increase electricity production .

  3. 自由港麦克莫兰公司(Freeport-McMoRan)在加丹加省有一座价值30亿美元的铜钴矿,它即将向刚果国家电力公司提供2.2亿美元贷款,以建设一座小型的地方电厂。

    Freeport-McMoRan , which has a $ 3bn copper and cobalt mine in Katanga , is lending Snel $ 220m to build a smaller local power plant .

  4. 拥有富裕的矿藏的加丹加省现已能看到大规模的开采场面。

    Mineral-rich Katanga province has seen large-scale scooping and shovelling .

  5. 加丹加省并非野外丛林。

    Katanga is not a jungle .

  6. 从加丹加省省会发来的报道指出,至少三名袭击者被捕。

    Reports from the Katanga Province capital say at least three of those attackers have been arrested .

  7. 加丹加省卡莱米-如果有任何人像15个月大的婴儿那样脆弱的话,这个人就是她守寡的母亲。

    Kalemie Katanga – If there is anyone as vulnerable as a15-month-old baby , it is her widowed mother .

  8. 加丹加省铜矿石和钴矿石极高的品位引来了数十家外国矿业公司。

    The extraordinarily high grades of copper and cobalt ore in Katanga province have attracted scores of foreign mining companies .

  9. 截至2008年年中,45万国内流离失所者已经返回加丹加省的家园,许多人打算恢复农业和渔业。

    As of mid-2008,450000 internally displaced persons had returned home to Katanga province , many with the intention of resuming farming and fishing .

  10. 加丹加省的采矿业杂乱得出名。近年随着大宗商品价格飙升,外国人蜂拥而至开采这里的铜矿,该行业出现了醉人的繁荣。

    Katanga 's notoriously rough-and-tumble mining sector enjoyed a heady boom in recent years as commodity prices soared and foreigners rushed in to exploit its copper deposits .

  11. 电力不足对刚果南部加丹加省的矿业企业造成很大影响,由于经常停电,一些矿厂一年下来相当于停工一个月。

    The lack of power is hurting miners in the Katanga region of southern Congo , where some facilities are losing the equivalent of a month of annual production from blackouts .