
  • 网络gallipoli
  1. 小鸟死后我又落单了,我决定出发&首先去加里波利(Gallipoli)。之后,我搭上了一趟便宜的背包客巴士,开始了10天的环游欧洲之旅。

    After she died and I was left alone , I decided to head off - first to Gallipoli , followed by a 10-day overground trip on one of those cheap backpacker buses around Europe .

  2. 他曾为加里波利战役的主要代表人物。

    He had been the principal exponent of the Gallipoli campaign .

  3. 未同步的手表使同盟国的加里波利之战陷入僵局

    Unsynchronized Watches Bogged Down The Allies Gallipoli Campaign

  4. 加里波利只是一个“用处不大却代价惨重的穿插表演”,而“在显而易见的事实前的疯狂偏执”使情况变得更糟。

    Gallipoli was merely " a futile and costly sideshow ", exacerbated by " lunatic persistence in the face of the obvious " .

  5. 梅尔·吉布森主演的同名电影《加里波利》就是为了纪念这场战役中阵亡的纽西兰、澳大利亚参战者。

    What followed was the worst planned operation of World War I and the Anzac losses were immortalised in the Mel Gibson movie'Gallipoli ' .

  6. 在1915年春,由英国、法国、澳大利亚、新西兰、纽芬兰以及印度组成的同盟远征军试图争夺加里波利半岛。

    In the spring of1915 an Allied expedition comprising troops from Britain , France , Australia , New Zealand , Newfoundland and India attempted to capture the Gallipoli peninsula .