
dōnɡ fānɡ wèn tí
  • eastern question
  1. 克里米亚战前英俄在东方问题上的政策

    The Policies of Russia and Britain on Eastern Question before Crimean War

  2. 东方问题在18世纪末就已见端倪。

    Eastern Question arose in 18 th century .

  3. 试析19世纪上半期围绕东方问题所产生的大国关系模式

    Relation Pattern of Great Powers in the Early 19th Century Resulting From Oriental Issues

  4. 东方问题是近代国际关系史中的一个重大问题。

    The " eastern question " is a significant issue in the modern history of international relations .

  5. 亚美尼亚问题是近代历史上东方问题的重要组成部分,亚美尼亚地区是英国对中亚战略的一个重要环节。

    The Armenian question is an important part of the " Eastern Question " in the modern history . At the same time , Armenia region is an important link of Central Asia strategy for the United Kingdom .

  6. 正文部分为论文的主体部分,共分为三大部分,第一部分是从国内、国际和地缘政治方面分析奥斯曼帝国衰落和东方问题的产生,以及英国对亚美尼亚政策的缘起。

    The first chapter is to analyze the decline of the Ottoman Empire and the rise of the Eastern Question from domestic , international and geopolitical factors . Also , this part discusses the origin of the British policy to Armenia .

  7. 将来可能发生于东方的问题,没有一件可以和正在西方发生的问题相比。

    Nothing that can happen in the East is comparable with what is happening in the west .

  8. 西方的问题是价格何时能够止跌,而东方的问题是怎样阻止上涨。

    In the west the question is when prices will stop falling . In the east it is whether they will stop rising .

  9. 尽管炼油业增长在结构上肯定会出现在东方但问题是,这是否将是可盈利的增长。

    While it is certainly true that the growth in refining will structurally be in the east ... the question is will it be profitable growth .

  10. 第二部分则集中探讨它的主要表现,其中包括对美斗争问题、欧洲建设问题、东方政策问题以及非殖民化问题四个方面;

    Second part concentrate on probing into its main behavior , which includes four aspects : the struggle to America , the European construction , eastern policy and decolonization ;

  11. 本文在近年来的“文化遗产热”中,从知识考古的角度,冷静观察该观念的来龙去脉,发掘它层层叠加的含义,它的西方前提和在东方出现的问题。

    Based on the heated discussion of " cultural heritage " in the recent years , this paper tries to make an archaeological investigation of the term , to locate its western premise and to trace its eastern varieties by peeling off its multi-layers of meaning .

  12. 中体西用论失败后,科玄论战中,玄学派所提出的东方文化的特性问题却具有更加重要的意义。

    After the failure of the theory " appliance of the western upon the Chinese as dominance " the metaphysical school put forward the more significant viewpoint about the special characters in the oriental culture .