
dōnɡ shēnɡ
  • arise from the east
  1. 玉兔东升。

    The moon was rising in the east .

  2. 因此ENSO的变化,日本海域以东升温造成了环流形势的异常,这是华南特大干旱的原因。

    It is concluded that the variation of ENSO and temperature ascent in the east of Japan sea favor the formation of abnormal circulation pattern which is the origin of the south China extraordinary drought at the end of this century .

  3. 介绍了七北101井、东升1井气体钻井后钻井液体系转化工艺的现场应用情况。

    Examples of the fluid conversion in Well Qibei-101 and Well Dongsheng-1 were given .

  4. 我们竭诚欢迎更多的朋友与东升合作、与东升共同发展!共筑辉煌!

    We look forward to cooperate with more friends , our future will be more bright .

  5. 从太阳东升直到西倾,愿上主的圣名受赞颂!

    From eastern lands to the western islands , may the name of the Lord be praised !

  6. 让我们在这片充满激情的土地上展翅翱翔,迎接冉冉东升的旭日。

    Let us take off in the land full of passion and great the slowly rising sun .

  7. 是一种并肩共睹,朝阳东升、暮日西下;

    Is a shoulder to shoulder for everyone to see , Chaoyang Dongsheng , twilight day Nishishita ;

  8. 东升电气有限公司是最早从事五金冲压制品生产研制和生产的企业之一。

    Is one of the first engaged in the production of metal stamping products developed and produced one .

  9. 东升的太阳,西下的夕阳,无论何时,这一切的美景都是那样的自然。

    Sun Dongsheng , Xixia sunset , regardless of when all this will have the same natural beauty .

  10. 好,我们都知道太阳是东升西落的,太阳是相对固定不动的,对吧?

    OK we know the sun rise from east and sets in west and the sun hardly moves .

  11. 东升公司将继续强化企业管理,不断开发出性价比更高的产品,向用户提供一流的产品、一流的服务。

    Donsen company will still strengthen corporate management , continually develop high quality products , afford customers A-OK products and services .

  12. 碎屑型矿石是东升庙多金属硫铁矿床的主要矿石类型之一。

    Of the ore types in the Dongshengmiao polymetallic sulfide deposit , the clastic type is an important one of them .

  13. 并通过该软件对东升庙矿床矿石品位混合总体进行筛分处理,探究其成矿期次信息。

    Mixed massing of ore grades in the Dongshengmiao deposit has been screened in ore to seek new information of mineralization periods .

  14. 内蒙古东升庙层状铅锌(铜)硫化物矿床矿石组构特征及其成因

    The Origin and the Ore Fabric Property of the Bedded Lead-Zinc ( Copper ) Sulfide Deposit in Dong Sheng Miao , Inner Mongolia

  15. 例如,人们百分百肯定太阳是东升西落的。

    For example , most people are 100 percent confident that the sun will rise in the East and set in the West .

  16. 在夜幕下的火花中你认为美丽的东西,也应该在朝阳东升时再冷静地看看它。

    Look at a second time when the sunrise to those fantastic thing that you saw its beauty in the spark of night .

  17. 大亚湾东升网箱养殖区真菌的时空分布及其与理化因子的关系

    The Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Fungi in Cage Culture Area in Dongsheng , Daya Bay and the Relation between Fungi and Physical and Chemistry Factors

  18. 第二章以东升镇高级中学为例,介绍该校学生社团的发展过程、规模、特色和作用。

    The second part takes Dongsheng Senior High School as an example , introducing the development process , scale , feature and achievement of the student clubs .

  19. 养殖历史较长的东升村养殖区沉积物磷的季节变化明显,有机磷的变化与养殖活动密切相关。

    The seasonal changes in the sediment phosphorus levels were observed at Dongsheng station and the changes in the organic phosphorus were closely related to the cage culture .

  20. 当太阳、月亮东升或西落时,这种效应沿长长视线的方向累积,造成部份光线传播方向出现较大幅度的改变,最后叠出这种扭曲的影像。

    Acting over long sight-lines to the rising and setting Sun or Moon , the refraction significantly alters the path of light rays creating merged , distorted images .

  21. 随着热气球最后轰地一声点火成功,旭日慢慢东升于白雪皑皑的群山之上,我们乘坐的热气球开始上升。

    With a final blast of flaming gas , and just as the sun rises over the snow-powdered mountains to the east , we begin to float upwards .

  22. 有现代学者认为这是不明飞行物。因为,据《圣经》所言,这颗星不分昼夜持续出现在天空,并不像其他星体一样东升西落。

    Modern scholars sometimes suggest that it was an unidentified flying object because , according to Scripture , it was visible constantly day and night and did not follow a course from east to west like other stars do .