
jūn shì jì zhě
  • military correspondent;war correspondent
  1. 据了解,北京一些媒体的军事记者正在积极报名,要求参与这一行动的报道。

    It is understood that some of Beijing 's military correspondent media is actively sign up to participate in the operation of this report .

  2. 我们无法忘怀那些军人,我们不能忘记80年的历史,我们更要感谢那些记录历史的军事记者们。

    We can not forget those soldiers , we can not forget the80-year history , and we really appreciate those military correspondents who have recorded the history .

  3. 受过记者培训后,青年的刘长乐在中央人民广播电台谋到一份军事记者的工作,并一路做到了主管职位。

    The young man , following his training as a journalist , found work as a military reporter at the state radio station and rose through the ranks to management .

  4. 美国军事官员对记者说,第一批士兵将于圣诞节前抵达阿富汗,而整个增兵行动将在明年夏天之前完成。

    The first batch of additional troops will arrive by Christmas and the overall buildup will be completed by next summer , a senior administration official told reporters .