
jūn shì lǐ lùn jiā
  • theorist of war
  1. 切。格瓦拉,阿根廷政治家、作家、医生、军事理论家。

    Ernesto'Che'Guevara , Argentine politician , author , physician , military theorist .

  2. 军事理论家和改革家&约翰.C.卡尔霍恩

    John C.Calhoun & Early American Military Thinker and Reformist

  3. 他是卓越的马克思主义军事理论家。

    He was an outstanding Marxist military theorist .

  4. 摘要蒋百里是民国时期著名的军事理论家和军事教育家。

    Jiang Baili was a famous military theorist and an outstanding military educator in the Republic China period .

  5. 从古代的时候,军事理论家们就试图界定出战争的原则,一套完整的指南,其中既有战争的战略又有战役的战术。

    Since ancient times , military theory tried to define the principles of war , a set of guidelines , both for war strategy and for battle tactics .

  6. 普弗尔及其追随者,那些军事理论家,他们相信存在军事科学,认为这门科学有自身不可更改的法则,运动战法则,迂回运动法则等。

    The first party consisted of Pfuhl and his followers ; military theorists , who believe in a science of war , having its invariable laws & laws of oblique movements , out-flanking , etc.

  7. 克劳塞维茨是德国军事理论家,他的遗著《战争论》是一部资产阶级军事理论的经典著作,成为世界学术名著。

    As a German military theorist , Clausewitz 's book " On War " is known sa a classics of capitalist military theory and a famous one in the academic circles of the world .