
  1. 武汉军山长江公路大桥B标主桥钢箱梁安装及斜拉索张挂施工

    Installation of Steel Box Girders and Cable-Stays for Main Bridge for Contract B of Junshan Highway Bridge over Changjiang River in Wuhan

  2. 这是民间艺术家LeonardKnight(译者注:LeonardKnight是救世军山的建设者和首席设计师)的视野,他的座右铭是“上帝永不让我们失望”。

    With the motto ' God Never Fails , " it 's the vision of folk artist Leonard Knight .

  3. 综合勘探在武汉军山长江大桥勘察中的应用

    Comprehensive geological exploration method applied in Junshan Yangtze bridge , Wuhan

  4. 武汉军山长江大桥设计船舶撞击力的探讨

    Investigation and Discussion of Design Vessel Collision for Wuhan Junshan Changjiang Bridge

  5. 军山互通连续钢箱梁制造工艺

    Manufacture Technics of Junshan Mountain Overpass Continuous Steel Box Girder

  6. 武汉军山长江公路大桥钢箱梁合龙技术

    The Joining Technique of Wuhan Junshan Yangtse Rive Highway Bridge Steel Box Girder

  7. 军山大桥斜拉索减振技术试验研究

    Test Study on Damping Technique for Stayed Cables of Junshan Changjiang River Bridge

  8. 军山枢纽互通匝道跨线桥结构分析与研究

    The Structural Analysis and Research of the Hub Interoperability Junshan Ramp Overpass Bridge

  9. 新疆北山金元素地球化学特征与成矿预测新疆阿希地区大哈拉军山组火山岩金元素地球化学特征及其成矿关系

    Gold geochemical characteristics and prediction of ore formation in North Mountain area , Xinjiang

  10. 军山长江大桥钢梁电弧喷铝长效防腐技术

    Protection of Steel Girder of Junshan Changjiang River Bridge with Arc Spray Al Coating

  11. 武汉军山长江大桥异形钢围堰应力监测与分析

    Stress monitoring and analysis of irregular-shaped steel cofferdam at Wuhan Junshan Yangtze River Bridge

  12. 武汉军山长江公路大桥主跨斜拉桥的设计施工介绍

    An Introduction to Design and Construction of Main Span Stayed cable Bridge at Junshan , Wuhan

  13. 就这样,由中国人拍摄的第一部中国电影《定军山》成功地诞生了。

    Thus the first film , The Battle of Mount Dingjun , was successfully made in China .

  14. 本文根据抖振计算理论,研究一种自激力的实用计算方法,并对军山斜拉桥进行自激力计算。

    The authors worked out a practical calculating method of self-excited force according to buffeting calculating theory and calculated self-excited force of Junshan cable-stayed bridge .

  15. 另一个不寻常的景观在湖的东岸:救世军山一个由混凝土和手工混制的泥砖堆砌的100英尺的山,上面覆盖着丙烯酸涂料。

    Another unusual sight near the lake 's eastern shore is Salvation Mountain , a100ft-high hill of concrete and hand-mixed adobe , covered with acrylic paint .

  16. 1905年7月9日,中国第一部电影《定军山》开拍。

    As the first Chinese film , The Battle of Mount Dingjun which started to shoot on July 9th , 1905 was made by Ren Qintai in November 1905 .

  17. 通过对昭苏水磨沟铜金矿床矿化特征的研究,总结出这类矿床的成矿规律是:下石炭统大哈拉军山组中酸性火山岩是矿源层;

    Based on the investigations of geological characteristics of the gold and copper deposit in Shuimogou , the metallogenic law of such a deposit can be summarized as follows .

  18. 1905年秋,由北京丰泰照相馆拍摄了中国第一部电影《定军山》的片断,至今已整整100年。

    100 years ago , viz . in the fall of 1905 , a fragment of Peking Opera " Conquering Jun Hill " was filmed by Peking Fengtai Photograph Shop .

  19. 现在看起来,《定军山》的制作是粗糙而普通的,但在当时其意义却非同小可:它开创了中国人拍电影的历史先河。

    Although it seemed that The Battle of Dingjunshan was rough and ordinary , it was of great significance then - it inaugurated the pioneering beginning to make films for Chinese people .

  20. 1905年,京剧短片《定军山》的拍摄,意味着戏曲艺术传播手段的延伸,也意味着中国电影以自己独有的类型戏曲电影开启了历史。

    In 1905 , the shoot of Peking opera short Ding jun Mountain , meant that Chinese opera adopted new transmission medium , even that Chinese film was born with a particular genre & Chinese opera movies .

  21. 中国电影从《定军山》的拍摄开始已经走过了百年的岁月,内蒙古地区的电影从《内蒙春光》至今有五十多年的历史。

    Chinese film from the " Dingjunshan " the beginning of the film has gone through a hundred years , the Inner Mongolia region of the film from the " Inner Spring " so far 50 years .

  22. 最后分别在武汉军山大桥和白沙洲大桥上进行实桥试验,验证阻尼器的减振效果和评价阻尼器减振效果的计算方法的可行性。

    Finally , experiments are carried out on Jun Shan bridge and Bai Sha Zhou bridge to testify the effect of viscous shearing damper and the feasibility of the finite element method and Galerkin approach to analyze the effectiveness of viscous shearing damper .

  23. 为了解电力牵引的双线铁路运营隧道空气污染状况,选择军都山隧道进行现场测试。

    For investigating the air pollution in double line railway tunnel by electric traction , we tested the air condition in Jundushan tunnel .

  24. 马军和胡山也在公园里。

    Ma Jun and Hu Shan are in the park , too .

  25. 1279年的今天,元军在厓山海战中的胜利结束了宋朝的统治。

    1279-A Mongolian victory in the Battle of Yamen ends the Song Dynasty in China .

  26. 天谴军对海加山以及世界树的污染毁坏了这世界的魔法结构,而麦吉纳会不惜牺牲他自己来保持大自然的平衡。

    The scourge 's tainting of Hyjal and the world tree damages the very fabric of magic woven into this world , and Magina will sacrifice himself to preserve the balance of nature .