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jūn shī
  • military counsellor;army adviser
军师 [jūn shī]
  • (1) [military counsellor]

  • (2) 旧时小说戏曲中所说在军中担任谋划的人

  • (3) 为主帅出主意的人,现泛指替人出主意的人

  • 狗头军师

军师[jūn shī]
  1. 狼军师:嘻嘻!我问你?你是什麽动物啊?

    Head Wolf : What kind of animal are you ?

  2. 狼军师:先听听我的邪恶计划。

    Head Wolf : Listen to my evil plan , a special delivery .

  3. 他现在是董事会成员,而且是主席的军师。

    He is a member of the Board and adviser to the president .

  4. 军师是那个聪明的老头。

    Counsellor is that wise old man .

  5. 两位军师握了握手,老箍桶匠把银行家一直送到大门。

    The two diplomatists shook hands , and then the cooper showed the banker the door .

  6. 古代通俗小说中军师形象的巫师化倾向

    On wizard-like strategists in ancient novels

  7. 这次会议后,就要着手调整军师级干部。

    After this meeting , we will begin reassignment of cadres at the army and divisional levels .

  8. 一个军师问这位君主,他是想做蒙古的大汗,还是想做中国的大汗。

    One adviser questions whether the ruler desires to be emperor of Mongolia or emperor of China .

  9. 曾帮助刘备几次打败曹兵,被封为军师。

    After several victories on the battleground against Cao Cao , Xu was made the chief military advisor .

  10. 部队军师级单位装备信息管理系统的研究与实现

    Study and Realization on Equipment Information Management System of the Units of Army and Division Level in Military

  11. 狼军师:我要给你看些东西,你只要坐好看就行,好好享受吧。

    Head Wolf : I 'm going to show you something , and you just have a seat and enjoy it .

  12. 日台混血儿金城武在剧中饰演刘备的军师&满腹谋略的诸葛亮,他给这个角色增加了更多嬉笑怒骂的成分,使其更有活力。

    Japanese-Taiwanese heartthrob Takeshi Kaneshiro brings youthful playfulness and sarcasm to the role of Liu 's famed military strategist , Zhuge Liang .

  13. 我们同甘共苦,亲如伙伴,他们是我的军师,更是我的朋友。

    Through thick and thin , they have always been my precious team mates , advisers , and above all , friends .

  14. 他曾主动请缨,为奥巴马创作竞选广告,但奥巴马的军师大卫•阿克塞尔罗德不太配合,这让乔布斯大为恼火。

    He offered to create Obama 's ad campaign but became annoyed because Obama 's strategist David Axelrod wasn 't sufficiently deferential ( HuffPo )

  15. 张(丰毅)和梁在电影中占主导地位,而金城武的老谋深算的军师诸葛亮也演得不错,赵薇为其扮演的有胆色有勇气的公主加入了颇受欢迎的幽默。

    Zhang and Leung dominate the movie , while Kaneshiro is fine as wily strategist Zhuge and Zhao adds welcome humor as the feisty princess .

  16. 这部剧播出后很多观众到我的微博留言,说非常喜欢我演的这个日军师团长。

    The show was broadcast , many viewers to my microblogging message , that I play very much like the head of the Japanese military advisor .

  17. 请些军师,参谋为你想点子,掌握机会,做起事来无往不利。

    With money , you may invite counselor to make out ideas so that you can jump at opportunity . Consequently , you succeed in doing everything .

  18. 草莽型人物形象是发展变化的,由早期的能够“独当一面”到后来的必须依附于领袖、军师,它们的作用在减小;

    Robin hood-like figures are changing and developing from early " working on one 's own " to later depending on leaders and counselors , with their effects declining ;

  19. “这就是蠢人的处事方式,”军师回答道,“他们往往为了没有把握的小利而放弃已在手中的大利。”

    " That is the way of the foolish ," replied the counselor ," they will give up much that is certain for a little that is uncertain . "

  20. 领导是团队的先锋头羊、策划军师、指挥元帅,领导的一言一行甚至一笑一颦都可能对团队产生影响。

    Leading a team of pioneer sheep , planning army , division , command Marshal , led by words and deeds and even laugh wit may impact on the team .

  21. 现在军政大学训练的基本上是军师干部,团的干部只占百分之二十。

    At present , those receiving training in the Military and Political College are mainly cadres at army and divisional levels , while cadres at regimental level account for only 20 per cent .

  22. 我建议高级学校的学员应该以团的干部为主,加上一部分优秀的营的干部,同时训练军师干部。

    I suggest that the students of the upper-level schools be mainly regimental cadres plus some outstanding cadres at battalion level . At the same time , these schools should train army-level and divisional cadres .

  23. 公元1368年,在蒙古人残暴执政88年后,义军首领朱元璋的军师想出了一个计策:将号召起义的信息藏入一种甜馅饼中——就像西餐里的占卜饼干一样。

    In 1368 , chaffing under the Mongolian yoke after 88 years , an adviser to rebel chief Zhu Yuanzhang came up with a plot to send out rallying messages hidden in sweet pastries - much like fortune cookies .

  24. 国王看着这只愚蠢的猴子,觉得十分有趣,便转头问军师:“朋友,你怎么看这只因小失大的猴子?”

    The King observed this foolish monkey and was greatly amused . He timed to his counselor and asked : " Friend , what do you think of this monkey who would give up so much to retrieve so little ? "

  25. 刘备派军师诸葛亮到孙权处说服孙出兵,在军中一番讨论之后,孙权决定派大将周瑜与刘备联合出兵以探曹操兵力虚实。

    At Zhuge Liang , s instance , Sun Quan decided after a hot debate at his headquarters , however , to send troops forward under the command of Zhou Yu to join Liu Bei and to test Cao Cao 's strength .

  26. 这里讲的军师级干部,不单是战斗部队的军师级干部,还有总部、军兵种、各大军区的军师级干部。

    When we refer to the cadres at the army and divisional levels , we include not only those in the combat forces but also those in the general headquarters and offices of the different services and arms and the greater military regions .

  27. 为探讨我军师医院院长的继续教育、加快师医院全面建设,本文阐述了师医院院长继续教育的实施体会;

    To inquire into the continue education of the division hospital dean in our army , quickening the total construction of the division hospital , it is expounded in this article that the actualizing experience on continue education of the division hospital dean ;

  28. 影片中场则是以个性的作用取代了动作打斗,侧重点放在刘备的军师诸葛亮(金城武饰)说服孙权同刘结盟,及其同孙权的大都督周瑜(梁朝伟饰)精心设计的联盟会面。

    The middle act replaces action with character interaction , focusing on Liu 's strategist Zhu-ge Liang ( Takeshi Kaneshiro ) persuasion of Sun Qun to ally with Liu and his elaborately built-up meeting with Sun 's viceroy , Zhou Yu ( Tony Leung ) .

  29. 司马懿之兄司马朗早年跟随曹操东征西战,司马懿在汉朝供职,公元208年跟随曹操,作为曹操的军师与吴、蜀交战。

    Sima Yi 's elder brother Sima Lang had joined Cao Cao early in the civil war , and Sima Yi , who first held office at the puppet court of Han , followed his brother in 208 and served on the staff of Cao Cao * s headquarters .

  30. 三国时期,司马懿作为曹操的军师与吴、蜀交战,因其卓越的军事政治指挥才能,连续辅佐曹丕、曹叙、曹芳三帝,成为魏国的实权人物。

    While serving at Cao Cao , s headquarters to fight with Wu in the east and Shu-Han in the south , Sima Yi justified himself as a competent general and regent for emperors Cao Pi , Cao Rui and Cao Fang in succession , thus gradually gained the power of controlling the government .