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  1. 曹丕与曹植都是曹操的儿子,二者均有才华,特别是曹植更具文采。

    Tsau Pi and Tsau Jr were sons of Tsau Tsau . Both were very gifted writers , and Tsau Jr was especially quick-witted .

  2. 有一天,曹丕要求接见曹植,他要求曹植在他七步之内作诗一首,如果做不到,就会有生命危险。

    One day , Tsau Pi called Tsau Jr into see him . He ordered his brother to make up a poem within the time it took to walk seven steps , adding that if he could not , his life would be in danger .

  3. 在曹操死后,曹丕继任大统,但他嫉妒曹植的才华,同时也惧怕曹植会谋反,所以一直在伺机杀害曹植。

    After Tsau Tsau 's death , Tsau Pi took over the throne of the kingdom of wei . Jealous of Tsau Jr 's literary ability , and afraid that he might cause problems , Tsau Pi was always looking for a way to kill his brother .

  4. 一种相思两处闲愁&曹丕《燕歌行》赏析

    A Kind of Lovesickness and Two Idle-worried Thought-Appreciation of Song of Swallow-Flying

  5. 曹丕文学批评思想新探

    On New Research about Cao Pi 's Literary Critical Thought

  6. 论曹丕的文气论及其影响

    Cao Pi 's Theory on " Wen Qi " and its Influence

  7. 论曹丕文学思想及其意义

    A Study of Cao Pi 's Opinions on Literature and Their Significance

  8. 论曹丕文气的基本内涵

    On Basic Intention of Cao Pi 's " Qi " of the Writings

  9. 论曹丕的文艺审美观

    Talking about the Literature Taste View of CAO Pi

  10. 曹丕在丞相司马懿的支持下建立了魏朝。

    Cao Pi established the Wei Kingdom with the support from General Sima Yi .

  11. 曹丕的这种文学观,与当时的文化背景有密切联系。

    Cao Pi 's view point of literature related closely with contemporary social culture background .

  12. 傀儡皇帝汉献帝在曹丕的逼迫下于公元220年退位。

    The figurehead Emperor Xian reigned until A.D. 220 when Cao Pi forced his abdication .

  13. 曹丕就位后,司马懿官就高位。

    When Cao Pi came to the throne , Sima Yi received steadily higher appointments .

  14. 个体与时代的结合&论曹丕及其诗歌创作

    The Combine of Individual and Age

  15. 三是曹丕深受两汉杂言影响,在探索中创作出七言诗歌。

    Third , Cao Pi was impacted by Han Dynasty and created seven-word poetry in exploration .

  16. 20世纪后二十年曹丕研究综述

    General Review on CAO Pi Study in the Later 20 years 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  17. 曹丕把气引入文学批评,指生命气息。

    When introducing the concept of qi into literary criticism , Cao Pi pointed out that qi was vitality .

  18. 刘勰《文心雕龙》对曹丕的评鉴与曹丕文学的独特审美价值

    Liu Xie 's Evaluation of Cao Pi in Wen Xin Diao Long and Cao Pi 's Special Aesthetic Value

  19. 曹丕《典论.论文》是中国文学批评史上的重要篇章。

    Cao Pi 's The standard discusses · Expounding the literature is the important sections and chapters in China literary criticism history .

  20. 曹丕诗歌既有向民歌学习的一面,同时也注重辞采,其诗歌在形式创新方面的意义要大于内容创新意义;

    Cao Pi , Cao Cao 's son , wrote poems in learning from folk songs and put great emphasis on art character .

  21. 儒家立德立功观与大学生的理想教育曹丕提出“夫文章,经国之大业,不朽之盛事”,为文学争得了与“立功”、“立德”平等的地位;

    The Confucian Values of Being Morality and Making Contribution and Ideal Education of Undergraduates Cao Pi had realized the idea outside the literature .

  22. 曹丕的诗委婉含蓄,秀美细腻,具有宁静、柔和之美;

    The poems authored by Cao Pi are euphemistic , reserved , elegant , and exquisite , with the beauty of serenity and delicacy ;

  23. 曹丕继承曹操的政治遗产,以禅代的方式完成改朝换代,成为后世的一个样本。

    Cao Pi inherited the political legacy of Cao Cao , completed the regime change by demise , this becomes a sample of future generations .

  24. 何晏《景福殿赋》作于太和六年(232),该赋表明他在魏明帝曹睿时期并未受到打击,其处境比起曹丕的时代来已经有了很大的改善;

    Written in232 , He Yan 's Jing Fu Dian Fu shows that he is much better treated by Cao Rui than by Cao Pi .

  25. 文的双层内涵&论曹丕在《典论·论文》中文学批评角度的游移

    THE DOUBLE MEANINGS OF " LITERATURE " & A Discussion about Transference of Literary Criticism Angle in Cao Pi 's Dian Lun · Lun Wen

  26. 曹丕是建安文学的代表之一,他的文气说涉及风格学研究,为刘勰所继承和发展。

    Jian Cao Pi is one of the representatives of literature , his " Vigour " style of research involved , as Liu Xie inherited and developed .

  27. 笔者认为,鲁迅说曹丕的时代是一个文学自觉的时代纯属一种幽默。

    In my opinion , " Cao Pi is a literature of the times conscious of the times ", said by Lu Xun , was a humorous purely .

  28. 所以曹丕做的诗赋很好,更因他以“气”为主,故于华丽以外,加上壮大。

    Pi Poetry and Rhapsody do so well , but also because of his " gas " as the mainstay , it was gorgeous outside , coupled with growth .

  29. 此外,曹操还很重视文化,他多才多艺,他的两个儿子曹丕、曹植也都是有名的文学家。

    Cao Cao was not just a statesman and general ; he was a man of cultured tastes too , as were his two sons Cao Pi and Cao Zhi .

  30. 从而达到初步整体上掌握,曹丕在中国历史及文学发展史中所处的地位和所起到的作用问题。

    In order to master the preliminary overall , the role of Cao Pi in the history of the development of Chinese history and the status of literature and the .