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  • 网络liu biao;venice;xperia P
刘表 [liú biǎo]
  • [Liu Biao] 荆州(现在湖北、湖南一带)牧。州牧是东汉后期一个州的长官,管辖几个郡的军政

  1. 一次,刘表请刘备代替他到襄阳去会见百官,蔡氏兄妹觉得这是杀害刘备的好机会。

    Cai and her brother decided it was an good opportunity .

  2. 刘表手下有一人颇懂相马术,言此马有妨主之相,劝刘表将马还给刘备。

    Following the expert 's advice , Liu Biao returned the horse to Liu Bei .

  3. 刘表的夫人蔡氏和其兄蔡瑁早有杀害刘备之心。

    Liu Biao 's wife Cai and her brother had long wished to Xiangyang to meet some officials .

  4. 荆州刺史刘表看后禁不住连声称赞。刘备见刘表如此喜欢,将此马送给了刘表。

    When Liu Biao marveled at the steed , Liu Bei gave it to him as a gift .

  5. 此外曹军中还有许多步兵和全部的水兵是刘表的降兵,许多人并不真心忠于曹操。

    Besides some of the Cao Cao 's army and all of the fleet had formerly served Liu Bi-ao , they were undecided about their new master .

  6. 曹操为了扩大自己的努力,想请人去刘表那里游说,孔融就推荐了他的好朋友祢衡。

    Mi Heng was recommended to Cao Cao when the latter , to expand his infL ü ence , needed someone to lobby Liu Biao . But Mi was slighted .

  7. 孙权字仲谋,三国吴国的创建者,其父孙坚是效忠袁绍的大将,和刘表作战时被杀,其兵力被袁绍接管。

    His father Sun Jian , a general in the service of Yuan Shu , was killed in campaign a-gainst Liu Biao and his forces were largely taken over by Yuan Shu .

  8. 那天被请而不来的,有汪氏夫妇和刘氏夫妇。刘表的夫人蔡氏和其兄蔡瑁早有杀害刘备之心。

    Among those who had been invited but did not attend that day were Mr. and Mrs. Wang and Mr. and Mrs. Liu . Cai and her brother decided it was an good opportunity .

  9. 203年,他开始西征扩张土地,208年,他打败刘表的大将黄忠,取得了现在位于长江中游地段的武汉等地。

    By 203 he started to expand further to the west , and early in 208 he destroyed Huang Zhong , the subordinate commander of Liu Biao who controlled the territory about present-day Wuhan on the middle Yangtze River .

  10. 公元200年,在曹操与袁绍的官渡之战中,刘备被曹操打败,投奔刘表。

    In 200 , however , at the time of the campaign between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao at Guan-du , Liu Bei was thoroughly defeated by Cao Cao " s forces and fled to take refuge with Liu Biao .