
  1. 感伤的优美&曹文轩新古典主义风格论

    The grace of sad & On neoclassical style of CAO Wenxuan

  2. 不过,不久之后,曹文轩返回江苏,继续上课。

    Before long , though , Mr. Cao returned to Jiangsu and resumed his classes .

  3. 不过,62岁的曹文轩是中国最受喜爱的作家之一。

    Yet Mr. Cao , 62 , is among the most beloved writers in China .

  4. 北京——阳光和游戏不是曹文轩儿童故事的标志。

    BEIJING - Sunshine and playtime are not the hallmarks of Cao Wenxuan 's stories for children .

  5. 北大教授曹文轩是中国当代文坛杰出的作家。

    Cao Wenxuan , Beijing University Professor , is an outstanding writer at present Chinese Literary arena .

  6. 大与国际作家在儿童图书方面的交流。”中国少年儿童新闻出版总社最近推出了曹文轩全套书籍的有声刊物。除此之外,曹文轩的新书也即将发行。重点讲解:他说新部长应该关注增加科研资助和改善年轻学者的环境。

    He said the new minister should fo increasing funding for research and improving conditions for young scholars .

  7. 虽然在中国获得了几项重要奖项,但曹文轩的作品并不是没有引起争议。

    Although Mr. Cao has won several important prizes at home , his work has not been without controversy .

  8. 从叙事策略来看,曹文轩成长小说叙事的儿童视角,叙事的主观化和叙事采用的语言,均体现了诗化特征。小说诗化特征这四个方面来展开论述。

    Viewing the narrative approach , children 's visual angle , subjectivity and language reflect the poetic characteristics . the poetic feature of fiction .

  9. 曹文轩是作家,又是研究当代文学和小说理论的学者,因此研究曹文轩的小说是一个有趣而又富有挑战性的课题。

    Cao Wenxuan is a writer and scholar of contemporary fictional theory , thus it is very interesting and challenging to study his works .

  10. 张明舟在论坛举行期间接受了采访,他提到了获得儿童文学最高荣誉的曹文轩所写的现实主义小说。

    Zhang was interviewed along the sidelines of the forum discussing the realistic novels written by top children 's book prize winner Cao Wenxuan .

  11. 比如,曹文轩的小说《草房子》估计在中国售出逾1000万册。

    Mr. Cao 's novel " The Grass House , " for example , is estimated to have sold over 10 million copies in China .

  12. 在本周一的意大利博洛尼亚童书展上,中国儿童文学作家曹文轩获得了2016年国际安徒生奖。

    Chinese children 's fiction writer Cao Wenxuan on Monday won the Hans Christian Andersen Prize 2016 at the Bologna Children 's Book Fair in Italy .

  13. 但是,近于工笔式的写作手法,与现实拉开距离的苦难题材,颇有些神化的人物形象塑造,也成为曹文轩创作的缺失之处。

    But his way of writing like fine brushwork , hardship themes which are far away from realism , and the mythical figures he establishes also become his defect .

  14. 著名儿童文学作家曹文轩的小说创作风格独特,“唯美”、“诗意”是其创作的典型特征。

    Cao Wenxuan is a famous children 's literature writer , who has a unique writing style . " Aestheticism " and " poetry " is his stylistic characteristics .

  15. 前不久的一个上午,在他位于海淀区的摆满书籍的宽敞公寓里,曹文轩说,对那些经历的记忆仍是他最大的财富。

    One recent morning in his spacious , book-lined apartment in the Haidian district here , he said his memories of those experiences continued to be his greatest asset .

  16. 最终只有五名作家入围,凭借《草房子》、《火印》等许多作品而被读者熟知的曹文轩就是其中之一。

    Only five authors were shortlisted as finalists , and Cao , renowned for " Grass Hut , " " Fire Mark " and many other works , was among them .

  17. 曹文轩说,多亏身为小学校长的父亲,他得以读到这样一些故事以及苏联儿童文学和中国现代文学。

    Through his father , an elementary school principal , Mr. Cao said , he read some of those stories , as well as Soviet children 's literature and Chinese modern literature .

  18. 意象的创造和运用是曹文轩文学创作中最突出的特点,意象之美也是其作品美学特色的最主要方面。

    The most prominent characteristic of Cao Wenxuan should be the creation and the utilization of the image . The beauty of image is also the most important aspect of his works ' esthetics characteristic .

  19. 曹文轩和其他著名儿童文学作家,比如杨红樱和沈石溪,受益于中产阶级的迅速膨胀以及对儿童教育越来越强烈的痴迷。

    Mr. Cao and other prominent children 's authors , like Yang Hongying and Shen Shixi , have benefited from the rapid expansion of the middle class and a growing obsession with children 's education .

  20. 在这些鲜活的意象中,曹文轩灌注了自己的情感意愿,使他们具有强烈的象征性和隐喻性,从而增强了作品的内涵与力度,扩展了作品的审美阐释空间。

    Cao Wenxuan has poured his own emotion into these bright images , enabled them to have the intense symbol and metaphorical , thus strengthened the work connotation and dynamics , expanded the work esthetic explanation space .

  21. 曹文轩近年来所取得的文学成就,不仅在于他独树一帜的美学追求,还在于他探入了一个新的表现领域&少年情怀。

    Cao Wenxuan 's recent achievement in literature is that he has not only developed a school of his own pursuit of aesthetics , but also probed deeply a new literary field & an adolescent 's feelings .

  22. 曹文轩是第一位入围并获得国际安徒生奖的中国作家。该奖项是对童书作家和插画师的最高国际认可。

    Cao was the first Chinese writer to ever win and be shortlisted in the Hans Christian Andersen Prize , which is the highest international recognition given to an author and an illustrator of children 's books .

  23. 长篇小说《细米》与曹文轩的许多小说一样,依然是以美感作为故事的恒久内核。但是,它更自觉地内化了中国古典美学精神。

    Like in his other novels , the aesthetic perception is still utilized as the eternal core of the story in Fine Rice , but the classical Chinese aesthetic spirit has been internalized more consciously in the novel .

  24. 曹文轩的故事的核心是20世纪五六十年代他在东部沿海省份江苏长大的经历。当时整个中国正经历社会和政治动荡。

    At the core of Mr. Cao 's stories are his experiences growing up in the eastern coastal province of Jiangsu in the 1950s and " 60s , an era of social upheaval and political tumult throughout China .

  25. 与文学密不可分的除了思想还有审美。曹文轩成长小说的美学风格&乡土抒情体,主要表现在这样几个方面:恬淡、忧郁的农业文明意象;

    The aesthetic style of Cao Wenxuan 's initiation stories & local lyric styles , is mainly expressed in the following aspects : the indifference to fame or gain , the melancholy images of agricultural civilization , the simple and kind folkways , the idealized actual life and etc.