
hǎo chu
  • good;benefit;advantage;gain;fine place


hǎo chǔ
  • be easy to get along with
好处 [hǎo chù]
  • (1) [benefit;advantage;good]∶对人或事物有利的因素

  • 得到稳定收入的好处

  • (2) [fine place]∶美好的地方

  • 村逢好处嫌风便,酒到醒来觉夜寒。--郑谷《舟行诗》

好处[hǎo chǔ]
好处[hǎo chu]
  1. 现在专家说喝红葡萄酒对人有好处。

    They now say that red wine is good for you .

  2. 时而来点儿浪漫对每个人都有好处。

    A dollop of romance now and then is good for everybody .

  3. 他看不出再争论下去有什么好处。

    He couldn 't see the benefit of arguing any longer .

  4. 这套系统的好处不胜枚举。

    The advantages of this system are too numerous to mention .

  5. 她宣扬了健康生活的好处。

    She preached about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle .

  6. 保护自然环境在经济上和美化环境上都有好处。

    The benefits of conservation are both financial and aesthetic .

  7. 你干活不取报酬,对自己没有任何好处。

    You 're not doing yourself any favours , working for nothing .

  8. 她最大的好处就是从不批评我们。

    The nicest thing about her is that she never criticizes us .

  9. 经常锻炼的好处不应低估。

    The value of regular exercise should not be underestimated .

  10. 医生常常宣扬少吃脂肪的好处。

    Doctors often extol the virtues of eating less fat .

  11. 换一下工作会对你大有好处。

    A change of job would do you the world of good .

  12. 经常运动最终会对身体大有好处的。

    Exercising regularly will pay dividends in the end .

  13. 他们认为这项计划对大多数家庭不一定有好处。

    They consider the plan to be of dubious benefit to most families .

  14. 她所做的完全是为了自己的好处。

    She was acting entirely in her own interests .

  15. 本文热情赞扬了新制度将带来的好处。

    The article enthused about the benefits that the new system would bring .

  16. 我要是能再次年轻就好了,但上了年纪也有上了年纪的好处。

    I wish I were young again , but getting older has its compensations .

  17. 在这里生活的好处之一是安宁。

    One of the beauties of living here is that it 's so peaceful .

  18. 会说意大利语应对他有好处。

    Speaking Italian should work in his favour .

  19. 方案的费用暂且不理,咱们来审查方案的好处。

    Leaving aside the cost of the scheme , let us examine its benefits .

  20. 他们得到了不公正的好处。

    They had been given an unfair advantage .

  21. 主动结交当地人大有好处。

    It helps if you go out of your way to cultivate the local people .

  22. 休息几天肯定对你的身体大有好处。

    I 'm sure a few days off would do you a power of good .

  23. 能够步行去上班是这份新工作额外的好处。

    Being able to walk to work is an added bonus of the new job .

  24. 我不认为报界可以再从那件事中捞到什么好处。

    I don 't think the press can get any more mileage out of that story .

  25. 不必早起只是退休生活的好处之一。

    Not having to get up early is just one of the perks of being retired .

  26. 好处是难以计算的。

    The benefits are intangible .

  27. 要是新机场开始修建,外国公司都会来插一手捞好处。

    Foreign firms will all want a piece of the action if the new airport goes ahead .

  28. 我通常会建议休假,但就这个情况而言,我不敢保证休假会有什么好处。

    I would normally suggest taking time off work , but in this instance I 'm not sure that would do any good .

  29. 运动对身体的好处可以分为3个方面。

    The physical benefits of exercise can be divided into three factors

  30. 我认为改革者有时过分吹嘘了改革的好处。

    I think the reformers have at times oversold the reforms .