
gòng tóng xíng dòng
  • Joint action;act together;go hand in hand
共同行动[gòng tóng xíng dòng]
  1. 陆军本应与舰队共同行动,突袭敌方海岸。

    The army should have operated in conjunction with the fleet to raid the enemy 's coast

  2. 在所有政治问题上,这些人采取共同行动。

    In all political matters these men went hand in hand .

  3. 全球监察机构金融稳定委员会(financialstabilityboard)希望,当银行需要分拆时,跨国银行最大的监管者能采取共同行动解决问题,许多银行也希望有这样的协议。

    The financial stability board , a global watchdog , wants the big regulators of cross-border banks to work together in the event that banks need resolving , and many banks hope for such agreements .

  4. 我们同意,日中将展开合作,以便针对IMF的请求采取共同行动,安住淳表示。

    We agreed that Japan and China will co-operate so as to be able to common action in response to an IMF request , said Mr Azumi .

  5. 当前,低碳减排已经成为国际社会的共同行动纲领,我国也提出了到2020年单位GDP的CO2排放量较2005年的排放量下降40%-45%的减缓目标。

    At present , the carbon emission reduction has been accepted as the common creed by the whole international society . China also established a goal that carbon emission per GDP of 2020 must be decreased by 40 % to 45 % compared with that of 2005 .

  6. 八国集团(G8)宣布,它们举行全球峰会以促成共同行动,防止在今年晚些时候再次爆发危机。这是一项进展,但约翰逊担心会议不会产生太多成效。

    The announcement by the G8 that they would hold a global summit to forge common action to prevent another meltdown later this year is a development , but Prof Johnson worries that not a lot will be done .

  7. 与工会领袖会晤后,Hollande先生要求生产部长ArnauddeMontebourg找一个专家评估Florange的前景,同时要求比利时,德国,卢森堡和西班牙“共同行动vis-a-visArcelorMittal”-不管那意味着什么。

    After the union leaders ' visit Mr Hollande asked Arnaud de Montebourg , the minister for productivity , to get an expert to review the prospects for Florange and to request the governments of Belgium , Germany , Luxembourg and Spain to " act together vis-a-vis ArcelorMittal " - whatever that means .

  8. 国家、机构或个人为共同行动组成的协会。

    An association of states or organizations or individuals for common action .

  9. 首先,欧元区必须团结一致、共同行动。

    First , the eurozone must get its act together .

  10. 大西洋两岸意见分歧,西欧内部也同样分歧妨碍了采取共同行动。

    Disagreements across the Atlantic and within Western Europe prevented common action .

  11. 我希望你们在中国代表权问题上跟我们共同行动。

    I hope you 'll come along with us on Chinese representation .

  12. 我们总是意见分歧,无法采取任何共同行动。

    We were always too divided among ourselves to take any joint action .

  13. 我肯定共同行动可带来成果。

    And with concerted action , I 'm sure we will get something .

  14. 联结两个物体以便共同行动。

    Connects two things so they move together .

  15. 共同行动则能带来自我实现的复兴。

    Acting together can result in self-fulfilling recovery .

  16. 生物安全的维护需要各个国家和整个国际社会的共同行动。

    The biological security maintenance needs each country and the international society pays together diligently .

  17. 也许是面对俄罗斯新近获得的自信,做出欧洲共同行动的样子?

    The semblance of a common European approach to Russia 's new assertiveness , perhaps ?

  18. 共同行动,指生物体。

    Act together , as of organisms .

  19. 我们可以和那些打击偷猎和走私的人们共同行动起来。

    We can act in solidarity with those fighting poaching and trafficking in their communities .

  20. 只有各国各民族共同行动,才会减缓气候变化。

    Climate change will only respond to nations , and to people , acting in concert .

  21. 这份报纸表示,一项改革政策要求英国政府共同行动起来。

    The newspaper said a reform policy required that the British government get its act together .

  22. 然后,通过共享信息、共同行动的方式深化国际合作。

    After that , states may strengthen their cooperation through sharing information and taking joint actions .

  23. 第二,考虑在应对这些挑战时共同行动所起的作用;

    Second , to consider the contribution which collective action can making in addressing these challenges ;

  24. 军营生活,军役的生活陆军和海军共同行动的军事活动。

    Military service ; army life . a military operation by both land and sea forces .

  25. 国际社会必须共同行动。

    International action is needed .

  26. 共同行动并共同承担责任,这不仅仅是为了防止食物短缺,也是为了保证食品健康。

    to take action and take responsibility for not only food security , but for food safety .

  27. 正如斯坦伯格所言,“利益的共性并不是共同行动的保证”。

    As Mr Steinberg puts it , " commonality of interest is no guarantee of common action " .

  28. 我相信,我们必须负责任地共同行动,以确保人人享有水,致力于更好的未来。

    I believe we must act together responsibly to ensure water for all , for a better future .

  29. 越境环境问题必须通过各国间的国际合作和国内与国际共同行动的协调来解决。

    Instead , transnational pollution problem must be solved by international cooperation as well as foreign-domestic joint actions .

  30. 通过全社会的共同行动,提高公众的节水意识和水道德意识。

    The whole society should act corporately to enhance the water saving consciousness and the water concerned morality .