
  • 网络common knowledge;mutual knowledge;shared knowledge
  1. 证券市场分析中的共同知识假定

    The Common Knowledge Assumption in the Analysis of securities Markets

  2. 展望理论、投机交易和共同知识假设

    Prospect Theory , Speculation Trade and Common Knowledge Hypothesis

  3. 共同知识显著正向影响组合知识,而对贡献知识影响不显著。

    Common knowledge obverse influences knowledge combining significantly .

  4. 共同知识视角下公允价值应用范围扩展

    Expansion on the Application Cope of Fair Value from the Angle of Common Knowledge

  5. 实践社区(communitiesofpractice)是有共同知识和经验的一群人的集合。

    Communities of practice are groups of people who have practice and knowledge in common .

  6. 《基本准则》的价值发掘:共同知识视角的思考

    Value Excavation of the Basic Standard & A Consideration from the Visual Angle of Common Knowledge

  7. 共同知识与可信承诺

    Common Knowledge and Credible Commitment

  8. 共同知识是不完全信息条件下理性推理的逻辑起点,一个理论的立与破往往取决于某些信息的共同知识性。

    Common knowledge is an essential concept used in the course of rational reasoning under incomplete information .

  9. 在展望价值框架下,证明了投机者的共同知识分布假设会使得投机者不能形成交易。

    Under the prospect value framework we prove that speculators cannot form any trade if they share the common knowledge .

  10. 关于共同知识、共同信念的分析开拓了博弈论分析视野,推进了对冲突和合作的科学理解。

    The analysis of common knowledge and common belief has broaden horizon of game theory and promote the understanding of conflicts and cooperations .

  11. 最后,文章得出结论,关于合作的共同知识在参与人中分布越广,那么水平合作越容易发生。

    At last , the article concluded that the more widely distributed of the common knowledge , the easier of cooperation to be formed .

  12. 知识产权对价论的理论框架&知识产权法为人类共同知识活动激励机制提供激励条件

    On The Theoretical Framework of Consideration in Intellectual Property Rights-The intellectual property law provides condition for the drive mechanism of the human common knowledge activity

  13. 水平合作的产生条件是什么?本文尝试从个体决策知识的角度探讨共同知识的内涵及其对合作行动的产生的影响。

    From the perspective of individual decision-making knowledge , this paper attempts to explore the meaning of common knowledge and its effects on the formation of lateral cooperation .

  14. 第三部分,分析了教师作为行动者的资格&知识,认为教师的知识是教师在日常实践中的共同知识。

    Part Three has analysed qualification of the teacher as the actor-knowledge , it thinks that teachers ' knowledge is their " mutual knowledge " used in daily practice .

  15. 由共同知识的生成过程、知识创新平台、知识资产以及三者之间的相互联系构成的模型可以解说学习型组织的知识创新机理。

    The model composed of the creating process , the platform , the knowledge assets , and the mutual connection of the three factors , can explain the knowledge creation mechanism .

  16. 契约作为共同知识,能够克服有限理性,建立信任基础,促进均衡的进一步精炼,形成精炼贝叶斯均衡。

    As a common knowledge , contract is able to overcome bounded rationality , establish a basis of trust and promote the balanced refining , and then produce perfect Bayesian equilibrium .

  17. 吸收能力(共同知识)对贡献知识和组合知识的影响存在差异。

    Team openness has no significant influence on knowledge donating and knowledge combining . ( 2 ) Absorptive capability ( common knowledge ) has different influence on knowledge donating and knowledge combining .

  18. 中国股权分置制度是一个时期内,中国资本市场的共同知识和共享信念,是约束市场参与人的内生制度。

    The Chinese share right splitting institution is a common cognition and a sharing faith ; it is an endogenous institution developed to restrict participants of the market in a period of time .

  19. 本文将被开发商保留了部分共有资源产权的商品房买卖契约定义为不完全契约,通过梳理产权理论、契约理论、个体知识与共同知识形成理论、制度变迁理论;

    This paper defines that the real estate deal contract is an incomplete contract . After investigating property right theory and contract 's theory individual knowledge and common knowledge theory , institution evolvement theory ;

  20. 本文认为人力资本对企业最优契约结构的影响主要通过以下三个方面发挥作用:企业控制决策权的分配、人力资本共同知识的积累以及人力资本谈判力的提升。

    The human capital affects the optimal contractual structure of the firm in the following three aspects : the allocation of the decision power , the accumulation of the common knowledge and the increasing bargain power of itself .

  21. 本文认为,我国基金折价的主要原因,与基金市场的投资理念、投资者的共同知识、投资者类型、基金披露信息的价值和基金制度安排缺陷有关。

    Finally the author concludes that the discount issue of closed-funds is related with the investment idea , the investors ' " common sense ", different investors , the value of disclosed information and the defect of institutional arrangement .

  22. 必须从交易制度的选择、实验室资产的设计、被试个数的确定、共同知识设计等四个方面探讨资本市场实验的若干具体的设计准则。

    This paper discusses some specific designing principles of capital market experiments from four aspects , i. e. the choice of trading institutions , the design of experimental capital , the number of subjects , the design of common knowledge .

  23. 基于共同知识这一分析视角,文章发现了《基本准则》成为市场参与者共同知识的可能性,分析了这种可能性所衍生的内在价值,最后就如何更好挖掘这种内在价值提出了相应的整体教育设计。

    From the visual angle of common knowledge , the paper finds the impossibilities of the Basic Standard becoming market participators ' common knowledge , analyzes it 's intrinsic vale , and furthermore discusses the integrated education design on how to excavate this intrinsic value .

  24. 无论是仅有七条规定的汉谟拉比法典,还是现代国家浩若烟海的各类法律法规,所有的制度,就其本质而言,均是人类在长期交往过程中演化出的关于协调的一种共同知识。

    As we have known , either Hammurabi code only with seven rules or the complicated system in modern society , any institution is a kind of common knowledge about the coordination that the mankind evolves out in the long-term course of associating with each other .

  25. 我想开始安卓系统应用的编程与开发,同时,我也要继续我的app社团,为同学们找到其他的方式,共同分享知识。

    I 'd like to get into Android programming and development , and I 'd like to continue my app club , and find other ways for students to share knowledge with others .

  26. 另外,新的智能关怀PCC能够与其他的智能关怀客户和合作伙伴协作,并有助于与思科的和非思科的专家共同创造知识。

    In addition , the new PCC for Smart Care provides the ability to collaborate with other Smart Care Customers and Partners , and helps co-create knowledge with other Cisco and non-Cisco experts .

  27. 四要共同保护知识产权。

    Fourth , protect intellectual property rights ( IPR ) .

  28. 共同吸取知识的营养

    to come and drink the cup of knowledge

  29. 教育科学化成为现代教育技术和教师专业化共同的知识基础。

    Educational scientific movement provides the common knowledge base for modern educational technology and teachers ' specialization .

  30. 每一次这样的机会双方都达成一种共识,即我们可以通过共同推动知识的发展来拓展人类自由的疆界。

    In each occasion there is an affirmation that by together advancing knowledge we can extend the frontiers of human freedom .