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  • joint training
  1. 6份相关协议分别涉及两国共同训练和部署军队、在无人飞机领域展开合作、提高彼此协同能力、共享高科技研究成果和共同开展军购等事宜。

    Half a dozen linked agreements envisage joint training and deployment of troops , collaboration in unmanned aircraft , more inter-operability , and shared high-technology research and procurement .

  2. 以下这一点应该会对你有所帮助:英国特种空勤团是由英国国家安全局(MI5,又称军情五处)和英国陆军情报六局(MI6,又称军情六处)共同训练以承担反间谍任务。

    It may help you to know that the SAS is also trained by MI5 and MI6 security and intelligence services to undertake counter-espionage operations .

  3. 刘伯明表示,数十年的共同训练确保了三人之间有效顺利的合作。

    A decade of training together ensured effective , smooth cooperation between the three , Liu said .

  4. 法官、检察官、律师在同一法律体系和程序构造中相互联系,遵循相同的职业思维、价值信仰和道德规范,所以法律职业者优秀群体只有在共同训练、一体化培养模式中才可能产生。

    Only in an integrative pattern of common educating can excellent groups of professional legal persons be created .

  5. 我只与他共同训练过几次而已,但我们都必须坚持下来,继续前进。

    I 've only trained with him a few times but we are all going to try and push on again .

  6. 在真伪签名的分类阶段,使用经过改进的BP网络作为分类器,真伪签名特征样本共同参与训练,保存收敛权值。

    Designs BP Neural Network classifier to classify the genuine and forgery signatures .

  7. 目的探讨装甲步兵在春季共同科目训练期间,训练科目与训练伤之间关系和分布特征。

    Objective To study the occurrence , diagnosis and treatment of training trauma of anticraft artillery soldiers .

  8. 他说,他迫切希望多与中国举行搜救演习,加强双方军官间的接触,其中包括中美低级军官共同参加军事训练等。

    He said he would urge additional joint search-and-rescue exercises and expand contacts between officers , including having junior officers from China and the US attending courses together .

  9. 目前他正与国家太空生物医学研究所合作,共同研制一套训练方案来缩短适应期。受训练的宇航员将在跑步机上一边行走,一边观看研究人员准备的动态图像。

    He 's working with the National Space Biomedical Research Institute to create a training system to speed up that transition . Astronauts walk on a treadmill with a moving base , while watching a projected image that 's also moving .

  10. 贯彻实施新修订的共同条令,把学习新共同条令纳入教育训练、各类培训和检查考核之中。

    The newly revised common regulations on routine service , discipline and formation have been implemented and incorporated into education , training , inspection and evaluation .