
dòng jué
  • kinesthesis;kinaesthesia
动觉 [dòng jué]
  • [kinaesthesia] 运动感觉,由位于肌肉、腱和关节内的终末器官所调制的一种感觉,它接受身体运动和张力的刺激

动觉[dòng jué]
  1. 自由跤运动员颈部动觉感受性的试验研究

    An Experiment Study of Neck Kinesthesis Sensitivity of Freestyle Wrestlers

  2. 定量运动负荷后间隔不同时间的肘关节动觉方位准确性

    The changes of kinesthesis position accuracy of elbow joint after rationing motor load

  3. 这可以帮助动觉学习者记住他们需要知道的东西。

    This can help kinesthetic learners remember what they need to know .

  4. 主要有三种不同的学习类型:视觉、听觉和动觉。

    There are mainly three different learning types : Visual , Auditory and Kinesthetic .

  5. 动觉学习者在实践中学习效果最好。

    Kinesthetic learners learn best by doing .

  6. 如果你似乎通过双手练习或测试你所展示的东西来学得更好,那么你很可能是一个动觉学习者。

    If you seem to learn best by working with your hands or testing out what you are shown , you are likely a kinesthetic learner .

  7. 对于动觉学习者来说,通过书写或打字做笔记尤其重要,这可以帮助他们在收到信息时积极地获取信息。

    For kinesthetic learners , it 's especially important to take notes either by writing or typing , in order to actively get information as you receive it .

  8. 传球准确性与上肢动觉准确性、上肢感知觉、下肢肌肉感知觉之间相关系数很小,且没有显著意义(p0.05),说明它们之间没有密切关系。

    Passing accuracy and the accuracy of upper limb kinesthetic , sensory upper limb , lower limb muscle correlation coefficient between the perception is very small , and no significant ( p0.05 ), that they are not germane .

  9. 通过对CDPS运动的物理过程分析,模仿人控制器的特点,规划设计了CDPS的HSIC控制器的动觉智能图式。

    By analyzing the movement of CDPS and simulating the Human controller , designed the Sensory-motor Intelligent Schemas of HSIC controller for the CDPS .

  10. 基于动觉图式的平面倒立摆摆起控制

    Swing up Control Based on Sensory-Motor Schema for Planar Inverted Pendulum

  11. 论球类运动员的身体&动觉智能

    On the Body ′ s Kinesthetic Intellect of Ball Game Players

  12. 8-16岁全盲儿童动觉特点研究

    A study of kinesthesia in totally blind children aged 8 to 16

  13. 测电量用动圈式仪表布莱斯动觉能力量表

    Moving coil instrument for measuring electrical quantities Brace Scale of Motor Ability

  14. 金属锯削动作技能动觉训练法研究

    Study of kinesthetic training of the skill of sawing in metal processing

  15. 编码与定势对动觉记忆的影响

    The Influence of Encoding and Set on Kinesthetic Memory

  16. 本研究对动觉进行了实证与理论探讨。

    It was a probing research on the theory and practice of kinesthesis .

  17. 有三种不同的学习模式:视觉型、听觉型和动觉型。

    There are three different learning types : Visual , Auditory , and Kinesthetic .

  18. 竞技健美操对提高不同专业大学生动觉时间估计准确性比较

    A Preliminary Research of Competitive Aerobics Raising University Students ' Kinaesthesia Time Estimate Accuracy

  19. 我们有三种主要的感受器:视觉、听觉和动觉。

    There are three main modes of perceiving : visual , auditory and kinesthetic .

  20. 当应用基于动觉智能图式的仿人智能控制理论解决复杂对象的控制问题时,存在的主要问题之一是控制器的性能优化。

    One of main problems when applying human-simulated intelligent control is parameters optimization of controllers .

  21. 动觉监督早期介入对动作技能形成的影响

    On the Influence of Early Intervention of Kinaesthesia Supervision on the Forming of Motion Skills

  22. 这可以帮助动觉型学习者记住他们需要知道的东西。

    This is something that can help kinesthetic learners retain what they need to know .

  23. 在动觉定位上,盲、明被试差异也不显著。

    There is also hardly any difference between blind and visual individuals in kinesthesia orientation test .

  24. 动觉型学习者较之于触觉型学习者会更多使用记忆策略和情感策略。

    Learners of kinesthetic style used more social strategies and metacognitive strategies than learners of tactile styles .

  25. 体育运动中的动觉研究

    On kinesthesia in sports exercise

  26. 这里说的经验域涵盖感知动觉数据集和在此基础上形成的想像性的感知经验。

    The experience area here includes sensorimotor data set and imaginary perception of experiences based on it .

  27. 首先从动觉研究背景入手,通过考察动觉的研究现状,分析了已有研究存在的问题。

    And first of all , it reviewed the status quo and analyzed some problems of literature .

  28. 因此,有些动觉型学习者会被定义为注意力不集中或者是多动症。

    Thus , some children who are actually kinesthetic learners may be mislabelled as having ADD or ADHD .

  29. 球类运动员的运动行为和能力与十分发达的身体&动觉智能有关。

    The body 's kinesthetic intellect is closely related to the sports performance and ability of ball game players .

  30. 大体上,学者们将学习者氛围三种类型:听觉型,视觉型,动觉型。

    Generally , most experts give credence to three specific learning styles – auditory , visual , and kinesthetic .