
  • 网络Anime Music
  1. 周四,华特迪士尼公司(WaltDisneyCompany)在年度股东大会上宣布了几项电影计划,其中最大的是《冰雪奇缘》续集。2013年,这部动画音乐片在全球赚得逾13亿美元。

    The Walt Disney Company on Thursday used its annual shareholder meeting to make several movie announcements , the biggest being about a big-screen follow-up to " Frozen , " the animated musical that took in more than $ 1.3 billion globally in 2013 .

  2. 动画音乐始终与剧情紧密结合,其创作构思以动画片的思想内容、艺术结构为基础。

    The animation music integrates itself with the plot and its design is based on the animation content and the art construct .

  3. 歌曲明亮欢快,不像有些动画音乐那样让人难以忍受。

    The songs featured in the film are bright and beguiling , and are not overbearing as some musical animations are likely to become .

  4. 教学版课件中增加课间动画音乐播放程序,主要目的是为教师和学生创设一个轻松的课间。

    The teaching courseware is added with Class recess animation music broadcast procedure on the purpose of establishing a relaxing class for both teachers and students .

  5. 对于那些想要建立一个关于突袭这个游戏的网站,得到一些动画音乐或者只是想看看漂亮图片的人。

    For those who want to create a site dedicated to the game , get lots of media or just to have a look at stylish pics .

  6. 传统音乐文化传承的生命力是创新,只有在吸收与借鉴的基础上,才能创造出与时代同步的新的动画音乐,才能被不同的受众群所接受。

    The vitality of the traditional music is innovation . Only based on the reference and absorbing , the new music would synchronize with the time and be accepted by the dissimilar audience .

  7. 周四,华特迪士尼公司在年度股东大会上宣布了几项电影计划,其中最大的是《冰雪奇缘》续集。2013年,这部动画音乐片在全球赚得逾13亿美元。

    The Walt Disney Company on Thursday used its annual shareholder meeting to make several movie announcements , the biggest being about a big-screen follow-up to Frozen , the animated musical that took in more than $ 1.3 billion globally in 2013 .

  8. 结合以上理论分析,本文对动画电影音乐制作流程和设计方法进行了研究。

    It researches the process and design of music making in the animation film with the theory analysis .

  9. 个人电脑、动画电影、音乐、移动电话、平板电脑和数字出版。

    personal computers , animated movies , music , phones , tablet computing , and digital publishing .

  10. 本片巧妙地引领观众到另一个世界,透过动画中的音乐和律动,打破欲望与现实之间的界限。

    In this animated film , director Georges Schwizgebel masterfully sweeps us into another world through music and movement , breaking down the boundaries between desire and reality .

  11. 但是对动画电影中的音乐的研究还停留在表面。

    But the researches of music in animation film still remain on the surface .

  12. 整个软件图文并茂,图像、动画、解说、音乐相结合,形象地介绍了塑料各种成型工艺的主要原理、生产设备、工艺流程和相关产品。

    The primary principle , production equipment , process control and corresponding products of various plastic shaping techniques were introduced in this software .

  13. 在创意领域,从时装设计到领先的动画制作,还有音乐和电影,凭自己的工业,邻近美国以及和美国的合作,加拿大有很大的优势。

    For more creative pursuits , from fashion design to our leading animation programs , music and film , Canada has a huge advantage due to our own industry , and proximity and collaboration with the US .

  14. 播放动画教程,其中包含文字,动画,音乐和声音向导。

    Play the animated tour that features text , animation , music , and voice narration .

  15. 视觉元素与表达中国传统哲学思想的主题相契合,与动画电影题材、叙事结构、角色性格等叙事元素相互融合,与动画音乐、配音等听觉元素紧密结合。

    Visual elements fit well with the theme which expresses the Chinese traditional philosophy , subjects , narrative structure and characters of narrative elements , and movie music , voice of audio elements .