
  • 网络animal soul
  1. 可是猪与狗这两种动物的灵魂有何差别?

    But do pigs have any more or less of a soul than dogs ?

  2. 在启蒙运动时期,作为现代科学鼻祖之一的法国哲学家勒奈?笛卡尔(ReneDescartes)声称动物是没有灵魂的机械物。

    During the Enlightenment , the French philosopher Rene Descartes , a founder of modern science , declared that animals were soulless automatons .

  3. 动物们的灵魂希望通过它们的人类伙伴来表达些什么呢?

    What do the animal souls wish to express through their human counterparts ?

  4. 但是总的来说,在所有地球动物中这些灵魂的纯度就是它们继续前进的门票。

    But overall , the purity of spirit in all Earth 's animals is their ticket to go along .

  5. 如果你是成年人,乱丢垃圾,那么你是动物,没有灵魂。

    If you are an adult and drop litter , you 're just an animal , devoid of soul and blind with it .