
  • 网络Burgundians;burgundian;Burgundi
  1. 这块领土被勃艮第人和当地人瓜分了。

    The territory was divided between the Burgundians and the native population .

  2. 在旅游和普瓦捷期间,一个军队的法兰克人和勃艮第人以查理马特尔的力量打败了倭马亚哈里发,现在战斗的地方下落不明。

    Fought somewhere , now precisely unknown , between Tours and Poitiers , an army of Franks and Burgundians under Charles Martel defeated the forces of the Umayyad Caliphate .

  3. 她叙述香槟和勃艮第人献四道酒的风俗。

    She told about the custom of the four wines , which existed before the Revolution in Champagne and Bourgogne .

  4. 即使皇后给你生了儿子,勃艮第每个人。

    Even if the queen gets a chiid by you , every tongue in burgund wiII wag .

  5. 吴志诚是大中华区第二位在勃艮第从事收购的人。

    Mr. Ng is the second person from Greater China to buy in Burgundy .