
  • 网络Pirie;Robert E. Peary;Robert Peary
  1. 还记得我的朋友马德森。皮里吗?

    Do you remember my friend , Madsen Pirie ?

  2. 西班牙初创企业Gi·k运用花青素(葡萄皮里的一种天然色素)推出了世界上首款蓝色葡萄酒。

    Spanish startup Gi · k used anthocyanin , a natural pigment in the grapes ' skin and unveiled the world 's first blue wine .

  3. 柑橘皮里功能性物质种类及其提取工艺的研究进展

    The Advance in Investigation of Functional Compounds in Citrus Peels and Their Extraction

  4. 皮里姆接受这项指控吗?

    Has Pirim accepted the accusation ?

  5. (墨西哥)玉米和玉米粉面团,填满肉类混合物,包在玉米皮里,然后蒸。

    ( Mexican ) corn and cornmeal dough stuffed with a meat mixture then wrapped in corn husks and steamed .

  6. 一张主题为“不要乱扔果皮”的照片,内容是一个小小的男人藏在橘子皮里。

    A photo with the theme " Do Not Throw the Peel " shows a tiny young man hiding in an orange peel .

  7. 10又要把灯台和灯台的一切器具包在海狗皮里,放在抬架上。

    And they shall put it and all its utensils within a covering of porpoise skin , and shall put it on the carrying frame .

  8. 切开后,我发现石榴的皮很薄像一角的硬币那么薄,皮里包着的全是籽。

    After the cut , I found a corner of pomegranate skin is thin , like coins so thin , leather wrapped inside of all seeds .

  9. 夜里,他们能在哪儿睡觉就在哪儿睡觉,有时候在火车站岔道上一个空车皮里,有时候在货站后面一辆卡车里。

    They slept where they could , sometimes in an empty truck on a siding near the station , sometimes in a cart behind a warehouse ;

  10. 如果你想提前做好,作为第二天的早餐,你只需要把它塞回香蕉皮里,合上。

    If you want to make this in advance for the next morning , just slide it back into your banana skin , close that up .

  11. 柏拉图写到,从皮里亚斯,走出北侧墙外,他感受到尸体,躺在刽子手的周围。

    " Leontius " Leontius ," he writes ," was proceeding from the Piraeus outside the north wall when he perceived corpses lying near the public executioner .

  12. 然而,大多数科学家并不同意皮里雷斯地图比同时代的地理知识和臆测更为精确。

    However , most scientists do not agree that the Piri Reis map is any more accurate than might be expected based on contemporary geographical knowledge and guesswork .

  13. 可是到了早上,他飞身起了床,又披上了驴皮。没有人猜得到,驴皮里的人是什么样子。

    But when morning came he jumped out of bed , put on his animal skin again , and no one would ever have guessed what its real wearer looked like .

  14. 研究人员称他们仍需要确定杏仁皮里何种成分激发抗病毒活性,但是他们认为可能是由于多酚类成分使杏仁皮具有抗病毒能力。

    The researchers say they are still to identify exactly what it is in almond skins that cause the antiviral activity , but they believe it could be due to compounds known as polyphones .

  15. 苹果酱含有相当丰富的营养,不过苹果皮里含有额外的纤维是苹果酱里没有的。

    You 'll get all the nutrients of the apple sauce , but you 'll also get the added fiber kick from the skin of the apple , which is removed before the apple sauce is made .

  16. 现在我们已经证明在过去多年来,生活在地球上的微生物住在盐结皮里,有足够的阳光照射进来,这样他们就可以过它们的日常活动,但仍受辐射保护。

    Now we 've shown over the years that orgamisms live in salt crust on the earth have enough sunlight coming in so that they can go through their day to day activities but still be protective from the radiation .

  17. “两年前,我们便开始为这次旅程做准备。当时,我们想成为最先抵达北极的人。然而去年,美国人皮里找到了北极。所以,美国人首先到达了北极,而不是挪威人。我们现在正要去那儿,但为时过晚了。”

    We began to work for this journey two years ago . Then , we wanted to be the first men at the North Pole.But last year , Peary , an American , found the North Pole.So America was first to the North Pole , not Norway . We 're going there , but we 're too late . "