
  • Pikachu;Pokemon;Pokemon Pikachu
  1. 传奇影业与Pokemon公司20日宣布将联合推出Pokemon系列真人电影,影片将讲述Pokemon系列新角色侦探皮卡丘的故事。

    Legendary and The Pokemon Co. on Wednesday announced that they will launch the first Pokemon live-action film franchise2 based on Detective Pikachu , a new character in the Pokemon universe .

  2. 宝可梦Go要求用户利用其现实世界中的位置设法捕捉皮卡丘等屏幕角色。

    Pokemon Go requires users to try to catch on-screen characters like Pikachu using their real-world locations .

  3. 近日,一段上传到Facebook上的视频显示,一只小狗被染成了最流行的小精灵-皮卡丘的颜色。

    A viral video uploaded to Facebook of a dog dyed the colour of the popular Pokemon character , Pikachu .

  4. Twitter上有许多用户分享了一张图片,看起来是一只死去的皮卡丘躺在加沙的废墟之中。

    Many users on Twitter shared what purports to be an image of a dead Pikachu amid rubble in Gaza .

  5. 李奥纳多·迪卡普里奥在台湾被叫做皮卡丘。

    Leonardo DiCaprio is called " Pikachu " in Taiwan .

  6. 同时它还被染上了皮卡丘同款的深色条纹,以及红色的小脸蛋。

    The pup also has dark stripes , in the style of Pikachu , as well as little red cheeks .

  7. 如果你知道再日本的卡通影片『皮卡丘』的造型,就是因为作者受到这毛茸茸、又可爱的小动物所启发,让人惊讶吧!

    You might be surprised to know that this cute furry little animal was the inspiration for the famous Japanese cartoon ," pikachu " .

  8. 最早宣布要进行神奇宝贝大选的时候,我就像许多人一样,有那么点儿想当然,认为皮卡丘会轻易获胜。

    Like many people , when the Pok é mon General Election was first announced , I just sort of assumed Pikachu was going to walk away with it .

  9. 游戏的一个重要元素就是全搜集,即搜集游戏中的每一种口袋妖怪角色,包括标志性的皮卡丘。

    A big part of the game is to try to catch them all and collect every type of Pokemon in the game including the iconic ' Pikachu ' character .

  10. 但愿该片不要像上一部基于日本游戏的好莱坞电影《大侦探皮卡丘》一样无比怪异。

    Let 's hope the results aren 't quite as mind-bogglingly weird as Pok é mon Detective Pikachu , the last Hollywood film to be based on a Japanese game .

  11. 至于皮卡丘是否致电过他的对手来表示祝贺,或是与同类的电系咚咚鼠及雷丘密谋造反,就不得而知了。

    There 's no word as to whether Pikachu has called his rival to congratulate him , or is instead meeting with fellow electric-types Dedenne and Raichu to plot a coup .

  12. 还有诸如“性感皮卡丘”、“给我发些楚巴卡的图片”这样的搜索结果,某俄罗斯用户甚至关心野生和驯养的浣熊吃什么。

    Other results were ' sexy Pikachu ' , ' text me pictures of Chewbacca ' and someone in Russia who is worried about what 's eating wild and domestic raccoons .

  13. 游戏的一个重要元素就是“全搜集”,即搜集游戏中的每一种口袋妖怪角色,包括标志性的“皮卡丘”。

    A big part of the game is to try to " catch them all " and collect every type of Pokemon in the game including the iconic ' Pikachu " character .

  14. 由于国外动画片大量涌入中国市场,欧美、日韩动画影片泛滥,哆啦A梦、凯蒂猫、皮卡丘等为代表的国外动画角色造型影响着一代又一代的中国人。

    Because foreign animated cartoon the influx of Chinese market , Europe and the United States , Japan and South Korea Animation flooded , Duo the A dream , Hello Kitty , Pikachu as the representative of the foreign animation role modelling to affect generation after generation of Chinese .