
  • 网络Pires;Robert Pires;Pillay
  1. 在这个位置上,我们有皮雷,雷耶斯,赫莱布,永贝里,范佩西和博格坎普。

    In these positions , we have Robert Pires , Jose Antonio Reyes , Alexander Hleb , Freddie Ljungberg , Robin van Persie and Dennis Bergkamp .

  2. 在80年代格拉汉姆那支年轻的球队中,罗卡瑟尔是一个令人激动和极有活力的球员,他的天才类似于皮雷。

    In Graham 's young side of the late1980s David Rocastle was an exciting , dynamic performer , a player of great flair akin to Robert Pires .

  3. 皮雷是个例外,他适应得很好。

    P í res was an exceptional player and adapted well .

  4. 唯一可以与之一比高低的是“塞姆皮雷”号帆船。

    The only other ship to match her was the thermopylae .

  5. 但此时,“赛姆皮雷”号早已在500多英里之遥了。

    But by now the Thermopylae was over five hundred miles ahead .

  6. 皮雷上赛季有着优异的表现,是否能保持呢。

    Surely the invincibility shown last season will not stand for long .

  7. 但是,皮雷想要忘记过去发生的事。

    But Pires is eager to forget about what 's already occurred .

  8. 他的伙伴是一个叫作皮雷的能说话的足球。

    His sidekick is a talking football called Pille .

  9. 皮雷敦促切尔西的中场马克莱莱加入他所在的维拉雷尔。

    Robert Pires has urged Chelsea midfielder Claude Makelele to join him at Villarreal .

  10. 劳伦、亨利、维埃拉和皮雷在听取主教练温格的意见。

    Lauren , Thierry Henry , Patrick Vieira and Robert Pires take in advice from the boss .

  11. 55分钟-皮雷接亨利任意球的头球进球被裁判吹掉,越位。

    55 mins - Pires sees his header ruled out for offside following a well-worked free-kick routine with Henry .

  12. 皮雷的带球技术,洞察力和顶级的射门能力是这支创造纪录的阿森纳队的关键部分。

    The Frenchman 's dribbling skills , awareness and top-class finishing are a key component of this record-breaking team .

  13. 似乎是要突出皮雷的影响力,统计数字说明30岁的皮雷的传球次数是全队最多的。

    As if to underline Pires'influence , the statistics show that no Arsenal man played as many passes as the30-year-old .

  14. 作为中锋的亨利很少打入包抄推射的入球,而皮雷在岁数增大的同时却获得了一个禁区杀手的灵感。

    While centre forward Thierry Henry rarely scores a tap-in , Pires seems to picking up a poacher 's instincts as he gets older .

  15. 我们都很年轻,但是我们在一起已经四年了,我从亨利,维埃拉,皮雷还有坎贝尔那里学到了很多东西。

    We are young but we have been together for four years and we have learned from Henry , Vieira , Pires and Campbell .

  16. 盯着手中这些制作精良的钩编织物,巴西坎波斯皮雷最高安全戒备监狱里的囚犯们,无疑成了集中注意力的典型代表。

    Poring over their fine-quality crochet , the prisoners of Brazil 's Arisvaldo de Campos Pires maximum security penitentiary are a model of concentration .

  17. 这不是皮雷希望的方式,去结束自己的阿森纳职业生涯,他期待着更好的方式来告别球迷。

    It was not the way Pires wanted to end his Arsenal career and he is looking forward to saying goodbye to the fans properly .

  18. 但正是因为一些伤病,皮雷本赛季联赛只有5场首发。

    Once again , though , he picked up the kind of niggling injury that has seen him start only five league games this campaign .

  19. 皮雷的传中则没有那么成功,只有36次传中找到了队友,但是他的带球是阿森纳进攻的一个主要动力。

    Pires'crossing was less successful with only five of36 finding a team-mate , but his dribbling was a major force in Arsenal 's attacking play .

  20. 至今我最喜爱的阿森纳球员是罗伯特•皮雷,当温格买入我认为是替代皮雷的完美人选时我很兴奋。

    My favourite Arsenal player ever is Rob é rt P í res and I was excited when Wenger bought what I thought was the perfect replacement .

  21. 如果皮雷转入瓦伦西亚,那么他将再次与埃杜成为队友,后者刚刚通过博斯曼法案以0转会费转入了2004年的西甲冠军。

    Any move to the club would have seen the winger link up again with Edu who has completed a Bosman free transfer to the2004 Spanish champions .

  22. 瓦伦西亚非常想要得到皮雷&这位西班牙母亲的孩子,但是法国的媒体报道宣称法国人的工资要求对于西甲劲旅来说太高了。

    Valencia were keen to recruit Pires , whose mother is Spanish , but reports in France claim his salary demands were too excessive for the Liga outfit .

  23. 劳伦从中场到了右后卫,图雷从中场到了中卫,亨利,皮雷,永贝里,宋都是如此。

    Lauren from midfield to right back , Tour é from midfield to centre back , Henry , P í res , Ljungberg , Song and it goes on .

  24. “我永远和阿森纳球迷有巨大的关系,这些比赛将是机会,我向他们说再见,”皮雷说。

    " I have always had a tremendous relationship with the Arsenal fans and these games will be the occasion for me to say goodbye to them ," Pires said .

  25. 温格担心皮雷因为他有了这么一个假摔的名声,尤其是在与普斯毛斯的比赛之后,皮雷因为斯特法诺维奇的轻微的推搡,赢得一个点球。

    Wenger is worried Pires has gained a reputation , especially after the way in which he won a penalty against Portsmouth earlier this season despite the faintest of contact with Dejan stefanovic .

  26. 比利亚雷亚尔的边前卫皮雷表示,虽然他相信他的球队可以从欧洲冠军联赛里淘汰阿森纳,他将不会感到一丝喜悦当击败他的老东家。

    Robert Pires , the Villarreal winger , says that although he is confident his side can knock Arsenal out of the Champions League , he will take no pleasure in beating his former club .

  27. 这样的情况曾多次发生,无论皮雷是在左路还是在中路,对他的防守都不可有一丝的松懈。

    It happens too often to be accidental and it means no defence can afford to turn off for a moment , whether Pires is playing on the wing or in the centre of midfield .

  28. 在对这周三将举行次回合比赛的访谈中,皮雷表达了他对现状的失望,他觉得多梅内克觉得他这位老明星会对他自己不利。

    Speaking ahead of this Wednesday 's return leg , Pires expressed his disappointment with the situation , explaining that he believes that Domenech thinks he will be given a hard time by the veteran star .

  29. 皮雷的创造性和无私体现在他在联赛中的9次助攻,这是上赛季阿森纳的最高助攻次数。

    Also registering one assist , one steal and one block in China 's 133-70 loss . Pires ' invention and selflessness also saw him rack up nine assists in the League , the most from an Arsenal player last season .