
  • 网络crespo;hernan crespo
  1. 克雷斯波说,政府资助的古巴电影艺术与工业研究所(CubanInstituteofCinematicartandIndustry)“受制于自身的官僚体制”。

    Mr. Crespo said that the state-funded Cuban Institute of Cinematic art and Industry " drowns in its own bureaucracy . "

  2. 在附近的一个旅馆内,克雷斯波于午饭时间和记者会面。

    At the nearby hotel at lunchtime Crespo meets the press .

  3. 米兰消息:克雷斯波现在是一名国际米兰球员了。

    MILAN – Hernan Crespo is an Inter player .

  4. 我那一脚射门还不错,而克雷斯波也早已经做好了射门的准备。

    I got in a decent shot and Hernan was there ready to score .

  5. “我是第一个到那帮忙的人之一,”克雷斯波告诉国家电视台。

    " I was one of the first who got there to help ," Crespo told state television .

  6. 赫尔南。克雷斯波公开请求了罗曼。阿布拉莫维奇让他在国米完成他的球员生涯。

    Hernan Crespo has publicly begged Roman Abramovich to let him see out the rest of his career at inter .

  7. 克雷斯波于去年夏天在切尔西准许他免费转会后,以一份为期两年的协议加盟了国际米兰。

    Crespo moved to Internazionale last summer on a two-year deal after Chelsea let him leave on a free transfer .

  8. 在克雷斯波离开蓝军转会意甲豪门之后切尔西正着手就马丁斯反袭国际米兰。

    Chelsea are set to raid Inter Milan for Obafemi Martins after Hernan Crespo left the Blues for the Italian giants .

  9. 穆帅说,他不会在小克(克雷斯波)离开后,在转会市场上引进新的前锋了。

    Jose Mourinho says he will not be rushing into the transfer market to sign a new striker following the departure of Hernan Crespo .

  10. 同时,被租借的阿根廷前锋克雷斯波表示在下赛季将会有“99%的机会”留在国际米兰。

    Meanwhile , on-loan Argentina striker Hernan Crespo believes there is a " 99 per cent chance " he will remain with Internazionale next season .

  11. 据秘鲁当局称,被逮捕人员包括秘书长曼努埃尔·法贾多及副秘书长阿尔弗雷多·克雷斯波。

    According to Peruvian authorities , those arrested include Manuel Fajardo , Movadef 's secretary general , and Alfredo Crespo , Movadef 's deputy secretary general .

  12. 何塞•穆里尼奥重申:他希望留下赫尔南•克雷斯波和迪迪尔•德罗巴。但如果他们执意迫离开切尔西,他不会强人所难。

    Jose Mourinho insists he wants to keep Hernan Crespo and Didier Drogba , but won 't stand in their way if they are desperate to quit Chelsea .

  13. 曼联在英超的对手切尔西在本赛季初也曾考虑买入维耶里,但最后他们选择了其队友克雷斯波。

    Premiership rivals Chelsea were also reported to have enquired for Vieri at the start of the season , but ultimately opted for then team mate Hernan Crespo .

  14. 加里亚尼首先要解决的问题是克雷斯波这种顶级选手的到来会打破更衣室内部的平衡。

    Galliani was the first to raise the knotty problem that maybe the balance within the dressing room would be upset following the arrival of a top player such as Crespo .

  15. 阿布拉莫维奇提供了一栋房子和额外的薪金来减轻克雷斯波的顾虑,但是这名射手不为所动。

    Abramovich has tried to ease crespo 's anguish with the offer of a house and additional money on the table , although the striker is not interested in the incentives .

  16. 我们作出这样的决定(同时上两个前锋)是因为克鲁斯更接近伊布的风格,而克雷斯波则是那种抓住每个机会把球送进球网的人。

    We decided this way because Cruz is closer to Ibrahimovic , while Crespo is someone who puts the ball in the back of the net every time he gets the chance .

  17. 克雷斯波承认他担心切尔西关于卡拉泽的谈判破裂使他丧失下赛季去米兰的机会。

    Hernan Crespo has admitted he is worried that Kakha kaladze 's failure to seal a move to Chelsea could have scuppered his own chances of moving in the opposite direction to milan .