
  • 网络Clear;currier;Jock Clear;Crill
  1. 海军上将塞缪尔•洛克利尔(SamuelLocklear)在华盛顿美国国会的一个听证会上表示,西方与朝鲜之间的关系已经恶化到朝鲜战争以来最糟糕的程度。

    Admiral Samuel Locklear , speaking at a congressional hearing in Washington , said that the relationship between the west and North Korea was as bad as it had been since the Korean war .

  2. 他口中叼着强啼克利尔跑向林中。

    He ran into the woods with Chanticleer in his mouth .

  3. 一天夜晚,强啼克利尔在鸡舍中与妻子共眠。

    One night Chanticleer was sleeping by his wife in the chicken coop .

  4. 比利:干的不错,警长,鱼干,哈利.克利尔沃特家庭制造。

    Billy : Well done , Chief . Harry Clearwater 's fish fry .

  5. 他们到处找强啼克利尔,但却找不到。

    They kept looking for chanticleer , but they couldn 't find him .

  6. 就在这时母鸡们看到狐狸叼着强啼克利尔在跑着。

    Just then the hens saw the fox running with Chanticleer in his mouth .

  7. 强啼克利尔吃惊地跳了起来。

    Chanticleer jumped up in surprise .

  8. 加拿大艾伯塔东北部的一座城市,位于阿萨巴斯卡河和克利尔沃河的汇合处。人口31000。

    A city of northeast Alberta , Canada , at the conjunction of the Athabasca and Clearwater rivers . Population , 31,000 .

  9. 克利尔来律所的创始人布赖斯艾尔伍德注意到,律师事务所奖励的给律所带来了业务的合伙人,不一定是最出色的律师。

    Bryce Arrowood , the founder , notes that law firms reward partners who bring in business , and not necessarily the most brilliant lawyers .

  10. 美国官员说,洛克利尔告诉这位中国将军,自己17岁参加海军,还谈到了自己的家庭,包括妻子和四个孙子。

    Adm. Locklear told the Chinese general about joining the Navy at age 17 and about his family , including his wife and his four grandsons , officials said .

  11. 塞勒斯女士坦白道,喝了一夜酒后,她于凌晨2:30回到自己在佛罗里达州克利尔沃特市的家中。发现室友卡洛斯•奥尔蒂斯扔掉了她的食物后,她勃然大怒。

    After a night of drinking , Ms Sellers reportedly returned to her home in Clearwater , Florida at 2.30am and flew into a rage upon finding that Carlos Ortiz , 42 , had thrown away her meal .