
  • 网络space food
  1. 嗨,这种太空人食物不算太糟。

    Hey , this astronaut food isn 't too bad .

  2. 在空间站的活动包括,参与研究实验,比如在太空中种植食物,旅客还可以把这些让人骄傲的纪念品带回家。

    Activities on board include taking part in research experiments such as growing food while in orbit -- which guests can take home for a super-smug souvenir -- and soaring over their hometown .

  3. 也许答案就在太空中,新型食物只能在真空或空间站上生长。

    Perhaps the answer lies in space - new foods that can only be grown in the vacuum or on a space station .

  4. 涵特表示在太空中需要重视食物的多样化以及色香味,这个和在地球上是一样的,甚至是更加的重要。

    Hunter says the variety , appearance and taste of food in space is as important as it is on earth-maybe even more important .

  5. 消息说,这个太空舱储存的食物和水可以维持一个家庭三两周的生活,甚至可以在发生洪水时浮在水面上。

    Reports say that the capsule can safely sustain a family of three for two weeks with stored food and water , and can even float on water in the event of a flood .

  6. 一位法国名厨受邀帮忙长期在太空旅行的太空人设计食物。

    A leading French chef has been asked to help create space food for astronauts on long-term voyages in space .

  7. 此后数年,核心舱应用了一系列新技术,包括太空WiFi、蓝牙、智能家电、私人语音沟通和120多种太空食物。

    In the following years , a number of new technologies have also been applied to the core cabin , including space Wi-Fi , Bluetooth , smart home applications , private phone communications , and a variety of over 120 kinds of space foods .