
  • 网络taigu school
  1. 对太谷学派女性诗歌的几点原则性看法

    Views on Female Poetry in the Taigu School

  2. 太谷学派由学术团体变为准宗教组织是由太平天国前后的社会环境所决定的;

    The social environment the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom determined Taigu School turning into a religious system .

  3. 我所知道的铁云先生与太谷学派

    My Knowledge of Mr. Liu Tie yun and Tai Gu School

  4. 在我国学术史上,太谷学派也理应有其相应的重要地位和影响。

    In the academic history , the Taigu School ought to have its corresponding important status .

  5. 我所知道的太谷学派

    The Taigu School I Know

  6. 盛成是伟大的爱国者,是太谷学派的最后一位代表人物。

    As a great patriot , Sheng Cheng is the last representative figure of Taigu School of Thought .

  7. 太谷学派是清代嘉庆以后的一个民间儒家学派,首尾活动百年有余。

    Taigu School , as a folk Confucianist school , came into being after the Jiaqing Period in the Qing Dynasty .

  8. 三教归一天下为公&刘鹗与太谷学派思想论片

    Syncretism of Confucianism , Buddhism , Taoism and the public-oriented spirit & On the ideologies of Liu E and Taigu School

  9. 社会变迁与学术团体宗教化&以太谷学派为例的考察

    Religion Evolution of Academic Society and the Changes of Society The Thought of Taigu School on Studying Phenomena to Acquire Knowledge

  10. 有些虽属耳闻,但对深入研究太谷学派颇具价值。

    Some of the views are just heard of , but they are of value to the profound study of the Taigu School .

  11. 本文论述太谷学派以儒佛道三教合一的思想解释《大学》格物致知,提出了自己新的观念。

    This thesis discusses the new idea of Taigu School on studying phenomena to acquire knowledge and their syncretism with Confucianism , Buddhism and Taoism .

  12. 对太谷学派一些基本问题有独到之见,且是太谷学派本身的观点。

    The paper holds original views concerning some basic problems of the Taigu School and some of these views are the ones of the Taigu School itself .

  13. 早期太谷学派作为中国最后一支传统民间学派,在性、命、心等传统哲学命题上未脱离传统儒家的基本范畴,但也有自己的创新和发挥。

    The concept about nature , fate and heart from Taigu School in the early stage does not exceed the range of the Confucian School , but not without creation and development .

  14. 作为太谷学派的南宗领袖,李光炘通过强化与地方社会力量的联系,努力改善与上层社会的关系,构建全新的社会支持网络。

    As a leader of the Southern Sect , Li Guangxin made great effort to construct a new network of social support by strengthening tie with the local power and modifying relations with the top society .

  15. 太谷学派的学术思想承继于宋明理学并对儒学道学加以进一步的发展,在民间有着广泛而深刻的影响。

    The ideology of the Taigu School came from the doctrine of Neo-confucianism during the Song and Ming Dynasty and developed on the basis of Confucianism and Taoism , which had a widespread and profound influence among the people .

  16. 周太谷宗儒兼释道,创立太谷学派,其间包含有民间宗教因素。

    Zhou Taigu , worshiping Confucianism , Buddhism and Taoism , founded Taigu School , motivated partly by the folk religion .