
  • 网络tai yuen street
  1. 由100块纯金条搭建的“黄金之门”,昨天亮相沈阳市太原街一家大型商场。

    A " Golden Gate ", which is constructed by100 piece of pure gold bar , was exhibited yesterday in one of the shopping malls on Taiyuan Street , Shenyang City .

  2. 卖主哦,我家住在市政府广场的东侧,你可以穿过太原街步行街,乘坐221路公交车到沈阳市中级法院下车。

    S eller Oh , I live in the east of the Municipal Square , you can walk through Taiyuan Street , and take the221bus and get off the bus at the Municipal Intermediate Court .

  3. 严新芝,山西省会太原市朝阳街居委会主任委员会主任,会在半夜敲每个家庭的门叫人收集水;

    Yan Xinzhi , director of the neighborhood committee of Chaoyang Street , Taiyuan , capital of Shanxi Province , would knock at the door of every household at midnight to have people collect water ;