
  1. 太原方言新派老派的语音差异

    Phonetic Differences between the Old-style and the New-style of Taiyuan Dialect

  2. 综述了现代汉语副词的研究状况、太原方言的研究成果。

    Studies on modern Chinese adverbs and Taiyuan dialects have been reviewed , which leads to the aim of this study .

  3. 本文以调查获取的第一手材料为描写、分析的对象,对太原城区方言的副词进行了比较研究。

    This paper is to compare the adverbs in the Taiyuan urban dialect with those in the Mandarin language through description and analysis of the first-hand materials .

  4. 由于历史文化及社会经济发展的原因,太原人一向有着很深的乡土情结,因此,对于太原人对太原方言和普通话的语言态度的考察很有代表性。

    Due to historical , cultural and socio-economic development and other reasons , Taiyuan youngsters have deep native feeling . Therefore , the study is representative in language attitude of Taiyuan dialect and mandarin .