
  1. 他读了他所能弄到手的每一本书。

    He read every book he could put his hands on .

  2. 他吸烟把整所房子弄得难闻极了。

    He stank the whole house out with his tobacco smoke .

  3. 一个好探员要尽其所能弄到情报,还要在被干掉之前脱身。

    A good agent gets what he can , then gets out before he 's killed .

  4. 我向他们的家人和朋友们保证:我会尽我所能弄清楚他们的下落。

    And to their families and their friends I make this pledge : I will do everything possible to resolve the uncertainty of their status .

  5. 他重新跨上了马,沿着他选定的道路继续前进,心里抱着微薄的希望,但愿能找到一间茅屋,在那儿求个栖身之所,弄到一顿饭吃。

    But he remounted his horse and continued along the road he had chosen , in the faint hope of finding some cottage where he might ask for shelter and a meal .

  6. 他们把艾娥达送到车站上一间屋子里,路路通负责去设法替她买各式各样的装饰品、衣服、纱丽、皮外衣等他所能弄到的一切东西。

    The young woman was placed in one of the waiting-rooms of the station , whilst Passepartout was charged with purchasing for her various articles of toilet , a dress , shawl , and some furs ;

  7. 妇人岂可吃自己所生育手里所摇弄的婴孩吗?祭司和先知,岂可在主的圣所中被杀戮吗?

    Shall the women eat their fruit , and children of a span long ? shall the priest and the prophet be slain in the sanctuary of the Lord ?