
suǒ wèi
  • so-called;what is called;reputed
所谓 [suǒ wèi]
  • (1) [what is called]∶所说的

  • 它就是几十年人们绞尽脑汁找寻的所谓死光。--《奇特的激光》

  • (2) [so-called]∶某人所说的,包含不承认的意思

  • 现代资产阶级所谓民主、自由已经成为对这些尊贵字眼的讽刺。

  • 其间耳闻目睹的所谓国家大事,算起来也很不少。--《一件小事》

所谓[suǒ wèi]
  1. 这些看法大部分都是所谓的大家普遍接受的观点。

    The judgments expressed are largely what is called received opinion .

  2. 所谓倘来之物,易来易去。

    That is what is called easy money , but easy come easy go .

  3. 他死了以后,好像一切都无所谓了。

    After his death , nothing seemed to matter any more .

  4. “我无所谓。”他满不在乎地说。

    ' I don 't mind , ' he said carelessly .

  5. 你做什么我无所谓。

    It doesn 't matter to me what you do .

  6. 这种所谓的减价商品只不过是个大骗局!

    The so-called bargain was just a big con !

  7. 所谓跑道不过是一长条草地而已。

    The runway is simply a strip of grass .

  8. 这是所谓专家的看法。

    This is the opinion of the supposed experts .

  9. 孩子穿什么上学,我觉得无所谓。

    I take a fairly relaxed attitude towards what the kids wear to school .

  10. 我们现在吃也行,过一会儿吃也行——我无所谓。

    It 's all the same to me whether we eat now or later .

  11. 经理带我们去看了我们所谓的“豪华单元”。

    The manager showed us to our ' luxury apartment ' , in inverted commas .

  12. 这场所谓的事故发生在什么时候?

    When did this supposed accident happen ?

  13. 我对于她得到这份工作感到惊讶,不过对我来说无所谓。

    I was surprised that she got the job , but I 'm cool with it .

  14. 你说这无所谓当然容易,可是我却已经花费很大力气而且想要取得成功。

    It 's all very well for you to say it doesn 't matter , but I 've put a lot of work into this and I want it to be a success .

  15. 这些就是用来粉碎他们所谓的经济奇迹的事实。

    These are the facts that explode their so-called economic miracle

  16. 做这些练习的方法无所谓对错。

    There is no right or wrong way to do these exercises .

  17. 这项立法与他们所谓的自由贸易相抵触。

    This legislation is inconsistent with what they call Free Trade

  18. 他在一次所谓的翻船“事故”中溺亡。

    He drowned in a boating quote ' accident ' unquote

  19. 你是赢是输都无所谓。

    It doesn 't matter if you win or lose .

  20. 很多人都被所谓的美容业欺骗了。

    Many people are hoodwinked by the so-called beauty industry .

  21. 我之所以得到提拔是由于立下了所谓的英勇卓越的功勋。

    I had been promoted for what was called gallant and meritorious service .

  22. 科学家把这种现象称为“我无所谓”的典型表现。

    Scientists call this the ' it won 't affect me ' syndrome .

  23. 《编辑》杂志对于核对事实这一点采取无所谓的态度。

    The Editor takes a cavalier attitude to the concept of fact checking .

  24. 它言辞激烈地谴责了这场它所谓的英国极不公正的竞选活动。

    It condemned in extremely strong language what it called Britain 's iniquitous campaign

  25. 加兰努力装出无所谓的样子,可是他没法克服自己的局促不安。

    Garland tried to appear casual , but he couldn 't conquer his unease .

  26. 他们说业界所谓的放宽管制已经取得了成效的说法纯属谎言。

    They say the industry is flat out lying about the effects of deregulation .

  27. 这所谓的新理论看来将很可能被人淡忘。

    It seems that the so-called new theory is likely to sink into oblivion .

  28. 如果你想的话,我会和你在一起来。我无所谓。

    I 'll come with you if you like . I might as well .

  29. 所谓科学的客观性是一种幻想。

    The objectivity of science is a mirage .

  30. 他成了英国国民保健制度下所谓追查报复检举者行动的典型牺牲品。

    He has been a prominent victim of alleged witch-hunts against whistle-blowers in the NHS .