
  • 网络Tokoro George;j ji tokoro;Jôji Tokoro
  1. 这片校区,有一所乔治时期的住宅,一座伊丽莎白时期的牛奶场,还有一座中世纪庄园的塔楼。

    Within the grounds are a Georgian mansion , an Elizabethan dairy and the tower of a medieval manor .

  2. 你的创伤可是你亲爱的情人所带来?(乔治赫伯特)

    Hath some fond lover tic 'd thee to thy bane ( George Herbert )

  3. 最后,本文作者从论述故事时间和叙事时间不相吻合的顺序,推敲故事中所隐藏的信息以及这些隐藏信息所反映出乔治的性格和态度。

    At last , the author of this thesis studies the hidden information and the implied characteristic and attitude of George through the discrepancy between the story time and narrative time .