
  • 网络grazing succession
  1. 高寒地区草地放牧演替与害鼠密度关系的研究

    Studies on the relationship between grazing succession of grassland and harmful rats density in Alpine Region

  2. 多年生黑麦草/白三叶人工草地放牧演替及群落稳定性的研究

    Studies on Grazing Succession and Stability of Community in Mixed Sward of Perennial Ryegrass / White Clover

  3. 在定性划分放牧演替的基础上,应用Whittaker的生境梯度分析法、进行了演替阶段的定量校正。

    On the basis of quantitative analysis on grazing successive stages , the quantitative correction on successive stages was conducted by Whittaker 's method of habital gradient analysis .

  4. 针茅草原放牧演替中种群消长的数学模型

    Mathematical models of retrogression of populations under grazing condition in the Stipa steppe

  5. 对物种抗性阈值和耐牧性阈值的研究将有利于解释放牧演替理论的原因和机制。

    The difference of species resistant and tolerant thresholds depends on their grazing resistance strategies .

  6. 本文提出羊草草地放牧演替阶段分析的人工神经网络方法,并对松嫩平原南部羊草草地进行了具体研究,其结果与野外实际调查一致。

    Eural network method has been proposed to analyze the successional stages of grazing Aneurolepidium chinense grassland in the south of Song-Nen plain in this paper .

  7. 重牧、过牧、极牧3个放牧演替阶段内狼毒个体最大年龄依次为15、16和19龄。

    The results showed that the oldest individuals at three grazing succession stages ( i.e. , heavy grazing , over grazing and extreme grazing ) were 15,16 and 19 years old , respectively .

  8. 川西北亚高山草甸放牧退化演替研究

    Study On Grazing Degenerating Succession of Subalpine Meadow in Northwestern of Sichuan Province

  9. 羊草草地放牧退化演替中种群消长模型的研究

    Dynamic population models of the ecological dominance during the retrogressive succession of Leymus chinensis grassland

  10. 草场放牧衰退演替阶段划分的一种方法&生境梯度分析法

    A method used in dividing the grazing retrogressive succession stages of GRASSLAND-THE method of habitat gradient analysis

  11. 基于主成分分析的内蒙古草原刈割与放牧退化演替比较研究

    A comparative study on degradation succession of Inner Mongolia steppe under mowing and grazing based on Principal Component Analysis

  12. 针茅草原放牧衰退演替阶段的模糊数学分类

    A test of using the method of fuzzy mathematic to study the grazing retrogressive succession stages of the Stipa steppe

  13. 通过这两方面的探讨,表明群落的变化与土壤生境的变化相辅相成,由放牧引起的演替过程是群落和土壤生境即连续又间断的变化过程。

    The results also showed that the changes of the plant community were relative to the soil habitat .

  14. 此研究有助于进一步认识退化草原在继续放牧干扰下的演替规律以及为退化草原的保护和恢复提供理论依据。

    These findings were contributed to provide an insight into the successive theory of the degraded grassland under the continuous disturbance of grazing and provide a theoretical foundation for the protection and restoration of the degraded grassland .

  15. 研究放牧对草地植物生理活动的影响,对于揭示草地放牧演替的生理机制有重要意义。

    The research on the effect of grazing on physiological action of herbage plays an important role in probe into the physiological mechanism of succession in grazing grassland .