
  1. 要求对所受损害及所损失利益给予补偿的诉讼;

    Action for compensation of the damages suffered and benefits lost ;

  2. 受害人需要证明所受损害的存在、程度与原因。

    The victim has to demonstrate the existence of the harm , the extent of the harm and the cause .

  3. 委托人因注册税务师的过失所受损害,是注册税务师民事责任成立的必要条件之一。

    Because of his error , the client receives losses , this is one of the essential conditions of tax affairs civil liability .

  4. 侵权赔偿范围包括所受损害和所失利益,应接受因果关系的限制,并应逐渐扩展至债权和纯粹经济上损害。

    Damages of tort law include loss and damage limited by the causation and should be extended to obligation rights and pure economic loss .

  5. 信赖利益的损害赔偿,应包括所受损害与所失利益及第三人受益的损害赔偿。

    Compensation for losses to trust interests should include compensation for losses suffered , interests lost , and interests that should come to third persons .

  6. 雇主责任在现代社会有两方面的含义:雇主对雇员在从事雇佣活动时所受损害应承担的责任以及雇主对雇员在从事雇佣活动中致第三人损害应承担的责任。

    Employer liability has two meanings in modern society : the first one is the liability which should be assumed by employer when employee is damaged in the course of employment ;

  7. 第四章阐述了信赖利益赔偿的范围主要包括所受损害和所失利益,笔者认为因为机会利益难以确定就将其排除在外,不利于保护交易安全,学界应对其如何确定损失进行探讨。

    The author thinks that because the chance interests is difficult to determine its out , is not conducive to protect the safety of transactions , to how to determine the academic loss are discussed .

  8. 为了能依据严格侵权责任原则获得损害赔偿,原告必须证明产品的缺陷或危险状况是他所受损害的直接原因。

    In order to recover under the doctrine of strict liability in tort , the plaintiff must establish that the defective or dangerous condition of the product in question was the proximate cause of his injury .

  9. 如果责任国际组织不履行责任,受害国或国际组织在一定条件下可以采取与所受损害相称的反措施,促使其履行责任。

    If the responsible international organization does not fulfill its responsibility , to promote the performance of its responsibilities the injured state or international organization can take countermeasures under certain conditions , the countermeasures must be commensurate with the injury suffered .

  10. 鉴于我们目前正经历历史上最为艰难的金融动荡时期之一,货币与信贷市场出现问题已逾一年,因此,对于迄今为止实体经济所受损害的程度之轻,我们应该感到惊讶。

    Considering that we are currently going through one of the toughest periods of financial turbulence in history , with money and credit markets now dysfunctional for over a year , we should be surprised how little damage has so far been done to the real economy .

  11. 按照我国民事诉讼举证责任的一般规则,即谁主张谁举证的原则,患者或者患者家属如果不能通过证据证明患者所受损害为医疗单位的过失所致,将有可能得不到应有的赔偿。

    According to the general regulation on civil action , " who is who claims the burden of proof " . Patients or their family members will not be compensated if they can not present the proof that indicates the medical unit should be responsible for the injured effect .

  12. 投资者重点关注BP在美国的地位所受的损害其美国业务占到总业务量的40%左右。

    Investors are focused on the damage to BP 's position in the US , which accounts for about 40 per cent of its business .

  13. 保险公司将赔偿我的汽车所受的损害。

    The insurance company will pay for the damage to my car .

  14. 我已经答应赔偿她那辆汽车所受的损害。

    I have promised to reimburse her for the damage to her car .

  15. 赔偿某人所受的损害

    Compensate sb . for the damage

  16. 不过腾讯表示,有必要修复公司形象所受的损害。

    However , Tencent said it saw the need to repair the damage to its corporate image .

  17. 无需确定原告健康方面或经济方面蒙受的损害,单是美学方面所受的损害就已足够了。

    It is not necessary to allege any health injury to the plaintiff or any economic damage ; esthetic injury is enough .

  18. 腾讯表示政府通过介入和调停,帮助避免了这场网络安全事件继续升级,并表示有必要修复公司形象所受的损害。

    Tencent said government mediation had prevented the incident from escalating , adding that it recognized the need to repair its damaged corporate image .

  19. 消费者得请求偿还因寄送物所受之损害,及处理寄送物所支出之必要费用。

    Consumers may claim compensation for damage suffered as a result of the mailed goods and may claim reimbursement of necessary expenses for handling the mailed goods .

  20. 创始机构违反前项规定,对于资产基础证券取得人或受让人因而所受之损害,应负赔偿责任。

    The originator , violating the preceding provision and causing the acquirer or transferee of the asset-backed securities , shall be liable to compensate for such damage .

  21. 它恢复了被害人所受的损害、利于犯罪人顺利回归社会,同时又实现了对社会公共利益的重塑。

    Criminal reconciliation not only recovers the damage of the victim and helps the criminal to return to the society , but also remodels the pattern of public interest .

  22. 精神损害赔偿之制度功能主要在于调整、抚慰受害人所受精神损害,同时惩戒加害人。

    The functions of compensation for the spiritual damage are adjusting and comforting the victim who suffers the spiritual damage , and at same time , reprimanding the tort .

  23. 离婚损害赔偿是配偶一方违法侵害他方的合法权益,导致婚姻关系破裂,离婚时对无过错配偶方所受的损害,过错配偶应承担民事责任的法律制度。

    Compensation for Divorce Damage is a kind of legal system in which one of spouses ' infringement on the other 's legitimate right leads to the breakup of the marriage .

  24. 尽管此次灾难迄今为止,还根本不像切尔诺贝利事故那样恶劣,但从某些意义上说,它却远远糟于三里岛核事故——它有些类似于连续发生三次的三里岛事故,外加乏燃料贮存池所受的损害。

    Though this disaster has been nothing like as bad as Chernobyl , it is in some ways a lot worse than Three Mile Island - a bit like three Three Mile Islands in a row , with added damage in the spent-fuel stores .

  25. 反垄断民事损害赔偿制度是指由于实施了垄断行为而给受害人造成了损害,为了填补受害人所受的损害,而应由实施侵害的行为人承担赔偿其所受损失的一种民事法律责任。

    Antitrust civil compensation system is implemented to fill the damage to the victim , because anti-monopoly law behavior cause damage to the victim , and should by implementing violations of the offender who can be liable to compensation by the loss of a civil legal responsibility .

  26. 然而,IMF参与一个连它自己都不相信的纾困计划的时间越长,对其声誉的损害越大,对其在欧元区以外地区所受支持的损害也越大。

    But the longer the IMF participates in a rescue it does not itself believe in , the greater the cost will be to its reputation and support outside the eurozone .

  27. 损益相抵原则,是指受害人基于受损害的同一原因而受有利益时,应将所受利益从损害额中扣除,以确定侵害人的赔偿额的原则。

    The principle of deduction of collateral benefits is that the benefits should be deducted from the damages , when the victim attains benefits on account of the same cause as damages ' .

  28. 结果证明,9/11事件引发的阿富汗和伊拉克战争的一次性成本远高于最初的预计,但全球经济所受的持续损害很可能小于人们的担心。

    In the end , the one-off costs of the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars provoked by September 11 turned out to be much higher than first predicted , whereas the ongoing damage to the global economy was probably rather less than feared .